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Everything posted by Bildo

  1. There's been a fair bit of rain lately, probably for the best we just assume it was that.
  2. Yeah, what you've said doesn't quite add up there mate. If you give more details there may be someone who can help you.
  3. Maidstone in Kent mate.
  4. I fail to see how people spending money pisses you off. It's their money, they've earnt it, if they get more excitement out of modding then so be it. I've spent about £4500 for the car and mods together so far, I'm intending to spend a lot more and the thought of it doesn't bother me in the slightest. For me it's either spend the money on something decent, or end up going out every weekend and pissing my money up the wall.
  5. You can get more of a peace of mind buying from an enthusiast club like this. The more posts the user has the better as you can then search through them and see what trouble he/she has had with what and things like that. I purchased my car on here, I found out through the posts that one panel had been resprayed by looking through the users posts, this wasn't stated in the advert. I didn't see that as an overly bad thing and couldn't see any other real problems the user had had whilst owning the car. You can also tell by their general attitude towards the car as to whether it's likely to of be
  6. Did you have all the mods declared to the insurers and the car properly insured? (On books as turbo, etc.) Only asking because I dread to think about the kind of quotes I would've been given if I had a turbo whilst learning.
  7. I agree with dazwin. Also, I think this will piss motorists off more than it will the government. If I wanted to get somewhere that day and had to take the M25 I know I wouldn't be happy. Just my personal opinion though, not trying to offend in any way.
  8. Agreed, some people just love to ruin shit for others, still, we managed to stay a fair amount of time. Was awesome when the security car went as fast as he could after him. ;)
  9. Bildo


    I did double that when I got mine, in the snow. Pretty crazy looking back on it but it felt like about 2 hours.
  10. Bildo


    Ubes, stop off at BW on the way back.
  11. Good to see people getting exposed like this. Also good to see you got your money back and that you don't have to deal with him anymore. Drink money my arse, a pint around the face would be more appropriate.
  12. Might aswell start that rant again, as someone already posted this: http://www18.ocn.ne.jp/~mamiana/toyota-sta...chi-photos.html link in this thread. That guy is claiming to be selling your car as we speak.
  13. Glad to hear there's another person with a less chance of scamming innocent people. Scamming makes my blood boil, I have been going through a Police investigation for nearly 5 years over £500 that was stolen from me by a scammer. Unluckily for me I had a lot less to go by than you have and couldn't do things my own way. I will post this on a couple of forums I'm on, they're not Jap ones but there's certainly a possibility that people would consider buying a Jap car on there. Hopefully others will continue to spread the word til we can nail the fucker down. Fair play to you for not
  14. No mate, just polished the outside of them rather heavily. They're still not perfect close up but a helluva lot better than they were. I'm thinking of trying 3000 grade wet & dry paper and some plastic polish, hopefully after that they'll come up a treat.
  15. Utter mess as stated above, dent on boot, and rear quarter. Covered in stupid shit decals, and as pointed out, Mugen? I'd steer so far clear of that it's fucking unreal.
  16. I had a Clarion headunit in my Glanza when I purchased it, it was only balanced on top of a plastic thing acting as a fascia and as soon as the car accerlerated it came flying out, so I figured that wasn't overly useful so went for a replacement. Picked up an Alpine headunit yesterday, and it seems I now need a few parts to make it fit. I basically need to know the parts that are required to make this work as I'm useless with wiring. I figured I'm better off explaining this thread with pictues to make myself clearer, so here goes: Here's the insides of the headunit showing the wiring, which
  17. It costs more to buy a new car today in the United States than it cost Christopher Columbus to equip and undertake three voyages to and from the New World. American car horns beep in the tone of F. The Mazda 5 was going to be called the 4, but it was a rude number in Japan, so they had to rename it. Under full throttle, a Top Fuel dragster engine consumes 6.8 litres (1½ gallons) of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced. Drag racers' helmet chin straps are strapped to their seatbelts as it is impossible fo
  18. Again, these will come in due time, no need to rush for things like that, I'm going to be owning the car a good while and I don't find these lights overly offensive. The colour combo there is the only one I want to go for really. Not keen on red as I'd have to get something red to match it, then knowing me about 75% of the car will end up red, even though I don't like it as a colour. hah. Never really liked them much as they were, I do, however love them in white, if they come out anything like the pics (I don't see why they wouldn't.) Headunit Alloys Recaros Front bumper Rear
  19. I can save afterwards. Best to do things one at a time anyway, you appreciate them more.
  20. Rick said pretty much exactly that to me earlier, and I took it on board, so I can feel exactly what you're saying. Perhaps when they've been done how I want them, and I know the chrome bit's in good condition I'll have a bit more love for them. Cheers for the response though mate, you made a valid point.
  21. Haha. Now for the big decision, I can't decide what to do next with the car. My headunit is a complete disaster, doesnt even sit in the slot properly and doesn't have any way of changing the sound settings, so I'm stuck with the worst sounding music ever with absolutely no bass to it. Then, I have the standard Glanza seats which I don't find particuarly comfortable, and would like to replace them, but since I only ever have to drive the car when I want to as I have a daily driver they're not overly essential at the moment. Then theres the wheels, which I feel could make me love the car a fa
  22. I don't like them because of the colour of the wheel and the fact the chrome lip is rather scratched, looks like it wasn't really cared for properly. Both of those things would be corrected during a refurb. I do love them in white though, the more I look at them the more im like Edit: They do look rather similar to Wedsports, that's not a bad thing though!
  23. Didn't realise it'd be this one-sided! Hmm, if only I had the spare cash waiting right now. I may have to prioritise this before my headunit now that I've seen how it'll look. Idrees - Bit simpler changing the colour of things than attaching something where a pic has been taken from a different angle etc.
  24. Need some opinions, I've always been kinda 50/50 as to whether I like the wheels I have on my Glanza since I bought it. Several people have tried to convince me otherwise but they've not fully grown on me. I was thinking about getting a new set but these still have good tyres, so I figured I'd consider keeping them and have them refurbished so they're immaculate. I'm now considering getting them changed from the silver/grey colour they are to white, did a photoshop: Before: After:
  25. Car looks brilliant mate, love the mods you've made so far, look forward to seeing it at the next BW meet.
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