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Everything posted by southwales_tuner

  1. James you dirrrrttyyyy boy, surely you got enough of all that in dublin! lmfao And Pav thanks mate, you summed the situation i was in up to the full pretty much, trouble is with my gf she is all take take take but theres no give whatsoever. Shes a nasty peice of work somtimes belive me.
  2. No bring them. seriously. Ive sorted the problem out with my gf now...........fuck her, its not up to her. Had a big row about it and i told her shes being an idiot and if shes that botherd she can go get stuffed........so looks like ill be coming on my own :surrender: its not up to her what i can and cant do. Its olrite for her to go to nightclubs, so its damn well olrite for me to come to the meets......wether theres models there or the fucking prime minister himself is there...Ill be there! Told you i could do it Joanne :surrender:
  3. Still not fixed mate? that was harsh on you that was, first day you had it as well. what a bastard. You know what to do now dont ya.....buy my 5zigen off me oh and my bumper spats lmfao!
  4. Joanne, ill speak to you about it later. Dont panick. Ill see if i can come up with a solution, if i can then i shall fix it for you, at least then you can come for a run with us. It may be that your jubilee clip isnt securing properly and is worn out, well thats easy, ive got about 5 large ones here somwhere. Failing that ill figure somthing else out.......im the king at bodge jobs lmfao.......comes from the days of riding bmx bikes (snapped back brake cable on my bmx down the skate park, no problem, a shoe lase will do )
  5. Lew, fancy doing a run this weekend to get some idea of the roads or are we all confident on turn-up go for a blast? Might save some time and effort. Let me know on where you guys want to meet up and ill see if i can scout out somwhere with lighting and ample parking. I dont mind doing a run or somthin as im ALWAYS out in the car driving around, only time i get peace and f*cking quiet to be honest, without rowing with my family and climbing the f*cking walls. Spoke to my dad, he said as long as the dates dont clash with the 6 nations he will try and take some proper photo's for us as long
  6. I know of a few being sold second hand mate in the standard style on the forums. Will have a quick check for you when i get a chance. By the way, a CF bonnet is one of the most satisfying bits of kit you can buy, i love mine so much im affraid to fit it! lmfao
  7. Lew ill get in touch with Dale as well see if he wants to come along, i doubt he will but ill ask. Put Jimmy77 (James) on the list as a POSSIBLE as i would have thought he'll come too........ill give him a ring later and ask him. Wheres gavcollier and the rest of the crew! Come on blast off teh southwales mega-meet. Lewis, any chance of maybe having a mass-call in at the drive thru at a KFC somwhere.....? I could have started eating my f*cking arm off the last time was so hungry. *CF bonnet check *CF interior panels check *Touring car single wiper conversion check *wheels? fuck......whe
  8. po-po (our village's slang term for the police) My missus wouldnt be happy with them even being there while im there. I just accept the way she is, and why, she has her reasons. Still, we'll wait and see what happens.
  9. Lew the only problem were gunna have if there is alot of us are the po-po.... It would be R.U.D.E as f*ck not to put the welly down through the brecon roads. My dad wont come with us to do the photography unless were in a fixed spot so ill see if i can do some possibly. Shit JO are there models going? ......that wont go down well with my mrs to be honest.
  10. I either listen to trance, drum and bass.....breaks (check my mate Aleksis out DJ_ALX6), break beat...etc or proper hip hop, not 50cent crap, the REAL stuff. but Rock and metal in the house every time.. Enter Shikari - sorry youre not a winner! Lupe Fiasco ft Nikki Jean - Hip hop saved my life.....yeeeesssssss thats where its all at y0!!!!!!!!
  11. *robot* system cannot.........take..........any more.........system............shut.........down..........cant cope............ERROR....ERR-RR-RROO--RRRR cannot.....deal..........with.......t-t-t-the............megmeister...........or t-t-t-he........siobhan-ator.. complete system ffffaaaiiilll. LOL thats how my head feels.
  12. *puts hands together to pray* please god, save me and Lew from this visicous and continued onslought *amen* lmfao We would be doomed if my mrs got on here as well......... The server would go POP as there would be 1000000,0000000,0000000,0000000 random threads started!
  13. Oh brother. Pure commedy. Lew, you know exactly how i feel now mate. My mrs is exactly the same........a bloody handfull. (mmm in more ways than one )
  14. LMFAO you pair crack me up, people are lookin at me funny in college lol......cant stop laughin at all the recent meg vs. lewis comments on here. This shit is too funny........i would honestly rep this shit if i could!
  15. LMFAO @ last comment Lew........hillarious.
  16. Oh my life! Lew your f*cked, i just seen meg drive past in your gt!!!!.......lmfao joking. Dont worry mate, i have to put up with all this with my GF gunna be pink this and pink that..........my ASS! lol
  17. 1. Sparky - Silver Quadlight, Gwent area 2. Vboi! - Glanza, Bridgend area 3. Rhys (southwales_tuner) - Black GT quadlight, Gwent area I would have thought James (jimmy77) will come as well once a date is set. James get your butt on here matey, you work too much! LOL Ok, ill pop down to a few of the places ive found and check them out again, ill try and find some back-up locations just incase we gotta make a mad dash again like last time. Lighting is a must i think. And if its that white lighting...........happy days!!
  18. Oh dear. Sorry mate, hadnt realised. You need to get in touch with Franza. (frankie) then
  19. Heres a pic of me, will whack one up of me and my gf soon....
  20. Thats olrite then..... He can buy my silver polished momo gearknob off me haha Didnt really see inside it to be honest, was too busy fucking about with my CD player.....and fucking about with my gf
  21. The GT looked nice today mate! F*ck me i was surprised when i dropped my window down and seen Dale sitting in a Glanza V........ I cant tell you how freaky that was lol, hadnt seen him for months then bang, there he is in a freakin starlet! LOL I must say, the GT looked cleaner than mine, love the wheels and all mate.
  22. Ok, been speaking to Dan (dan_ep82 a mod) on TGTT a fair bit as ive bought stuff off him and hes bought stuff off me...etc and i dropped him the question, does he know if anyone is appointed to the rep position for south wales and west wales and all that on tgtt........he wasnt sure so pointed me in the right direction so i dropped Franza a line and turns out no one is a rep for this area on there......so ive offered my services as a rep. Apparently i have to fully organise a meet myself and place it up on TGTT and get a few members to attend before they will give me the area rep position. W
  23. Shittin 'ell mate didnt know you were a bmx'er too?!?! What bike you used to ride..... I had a Fit Series 2
  24. Welcome....... So then Lewis mate, who's the lass? you old dog you! safeeeee! Yeah theres a few of us welshies on here....some only seem to come out of the woodwork when theres a meet going down. Lewis hurry up and buy that aeropack off me for your new GT, ill even personaly bring it up to you if you buy it all! lmfao
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