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Everything posted by starletboy

  1. can some one try and put the wheels of the civic on my car just to see what they look like before i go buy them??????????????????
  2. that looks much better but the vents on the sides need to be one big one i reckon :angry: or leave the corner one and get rid of the other 2 on the sides
  3. ae86 is the best car ever i love it to mate been out and drove one and just thought they are wicked would sell everything to get one im thinking one of them next too or a 200 or a pulsar not fused either way :angry:
  4. the box will be a good idea i am lookin for one of them myself but from what ive heard the 5efhe is a pain in the arse to do but if you can make it work then thatll be wicked :angry:
  5. yeah no what your sayin mate just wondered if it was possible could work on the paseo lump though rather than the 4e
  6. yeah mate pretty much :angry:
  7. hehe!!!! soz mate didnt meen to hit a sore subject :angry: yeah guys lookin forward to it c you then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. toll house toyota gatwick is the place if you go on toyota website and search for it it gives you an address on there and possibly a little map
  9. well can do some week days but would be easier on a saturday only have half an hour to look at it unles gets booked in but that means paying in the week
  10. :angry: no one likes you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!only kiddin mate
  11. that bumper looks wicked whats the site to have a look at the rest of it???????????
  12. new shape celica ones are the same but they have side airbags so wouldnt work but reckon they would look pretty cool!!!!!!!!! what do you mean the roadster ones are direct fit do they mount in the same places then????????????? :angry:
  13. yeah i am on for coming and may be bringin another starlet member too along with some other cool cars :angry:
  14. surely if you get a 5e fe you could make it a fhe by putting a different head gasket to raise the compression and put an fte manifold and have the throttle body rebored and get a performance manifold from america as you can get loads out there and possibly work with a 4e too ????????????? :angry:
  15. those wheels are discontinued from toyota i think but they do similar ones with allen bolts around the edges to make them look like split rims they are £358 with tyres from my work! :angry:
  16. aaah you got there before me thats what i was goin to say but there are different codes again for each system so it narrows it down even more to a specific point but you will also need to clear the codes in the ecu which is shorting out different terminals and that should put the light out if it was just that you disconnected the airbag! if not it will come straight back on again but it sounds like thats all but i have forgotten what terminals to short out as we always use the computer for it which is so much easier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you could take it down to toyota and get them to run a codde ch
  17. well i have never done it but do no people that have but yeah no what you mean just an idea anywayz i can try and find out a diy procedure for ya if you want at work 2moz!!!?????????
  18. well bit of a bodge but you could just take the bulb out for the airbag light in the dash then problem solved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. just another quick one when you say 15th do you mean on a tuesday or a saturday and got the date wrong???????????
  20. cheers mate glad you like!!!!! yeah the splitters are good because no one else has them i got mine for free how lucky was i!!!!!!!!!! yeah 17s are good but am goin to get rid of them and go for 16s instead bit more drivable then!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. the recaros are the same as the ignis sport with the mesh on the headrest they are bout 560 each just for the seat though they are the same as the proton gti aswell and nearenough to rs turbo seats and their is loads of them for sale on ebay usually!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. you could try a local garage not sure if they will be able to read the codes though toyota has a computer that will plug on the car and reads all the systems on the car and tells you where the problem is but could be a bit expensive depending on what they charge if its anything like my work could be expensive!!!!!!!!!!!!
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