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Everything posted by redline

  1. Might sound stupid but I've got a omp wheel coming through in the post how do I go about taking the old one off it's got a air bag and stuff? What screws do I take off and stuff to remove it?
  2. Good luck dude hope it makes some heathy powerrrr
  3. Mines a white v mate livesports kit on it
  4. Abt 5 weeks from now bud u might see it there when u pick yours up unless yours is done after mine :/
  5. I would have had it for my glanza but it says gt on it lol
  6. Seen this on Saturday at td looking sweet was drooling at you're willwoods lol
  7. thanks Amjad will give them a try once my cars come back fromTd
  8. Have u got there number mate? And are they deffo good at what they do?
  9. Amjad I wouldn't have a clue how to myself lol were are arch enemy based?
  10. Weres the best place in birmingham westmindlands to get my arches rolling on my glanza? Need a top job with some one who u can recommend or u been to before who I can trust to do my car and how much am I roughly looking at for price?
  11. Had a choice of race tech of td hope I made the right choice
  12. Is that a fair price? Delivered ?
  13. Lol I'll think I'll leave it in there then looks rather nice
  14. How much is it worth got 1 in my car wanting to sell it to fund somthing else?
  15. I'm dropping mine off on Saturday morning will see urz there ;)
  16. I've got one in my car want to get rid of it but duno how to take it out lol pm if ure interested we could sort somthing out
  17. redline

    White EP82

    Yh that was me brother think u responded to the photo I uploaded on Facebook?
  18. redline

    White EP82

    Amjad I brought that
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