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Everything posted by Thorpy

  1. 1.Yazzii Ep82 2. Young Stig ep91 3.markoos 4.Thorpy PAID 5.CRAIG-SR PAID 6.quadcorecraig PAID 7.Craig_N 8. padder143 9. Whiteglanzav (Ed) 10. the_sly_EP
  2. tis a real one me thinks, im sure ive heard the dump valve before, n its got silver wheels
  3. i see a blue glanza quite often around hillsborough when im on my way to work not sure whos it is though
  4. Thorpy

    Japfest 2010

    is it eastbound or westbound the final meeting place anyone??????????????
  5. Thorpy

    Japfest 2010

    is it eastbound or westbound were meeting at?
  6. when do the payments need to be in by i cant see a date?
  7. cant we all have one big stand? im not fussed who im with just thought it would be good if all starlets were on one stand could have both banners?
  8. im on the TGTT list now aswell should be good quite a few on the list so far
  9. Thorpy

    Japfest 2010

    1) lee ep82 - stand and track 2)ep82_girl+passenger-stand 3)jimmy 77 stand+track 4)ep_brad stand+track 5)silverglanza stand maybe track PAID 6)thorpey+passenger - stand PAID 7)dan evans+passenger stand+track 8)spanner 9)enots+possibly passenger stand+Mayb track 10)ollie ryan+passenger (maybe)stand+track 11)rhys249 12)Kennedy (stand) 13) turbo dave stand poss track 14)Amjad786 - Stand 15) dale stand and poss track 16)Nayls-Stand 17) Dan_91-stand and poss track 18) Gary_ep91 +passenger - track and stand 19) Bioshibby + passenger - stand + poss track - ( if i can get the last few things to my ca
  10. any ideas on how much it is to get in? cant find anythin on there website
  11. just coming onto parkway today at about 12ish anyone?
  12. sounds good to me i havn't been to mfn for years now, might sound daft but what is VAG?
  13. saw u today was a few cars behind you from sheffield arena to crystel peaks anyone on here?
  14. thats or8 then so basically you cant use that computer to sign on is it? think its something like that anyway what if he uses another computer ;)
  15. if you ban him whats stoppin him signing up under a different name?
  16. midnight purple II is the best ive seen so far, deffo not green i thought about mine being green but ive seen pics of a few thats sprayed green and i dont think they look good at all
  17. was board the otherday so got the spraypaint out again not sure what other bits to spray anymore looks a bit out of place at the moment but im sure it will look quite good once ive got green hoses to tidy the engine bay a little
  18. looking good need a bigger piccy of that one in your avatar that looks cool i was thinking of spraying my wing mirrors but thought it might stand out a bit too much on my car with it being black but looks good on urs cant wait to see it in person one day
  19. what do bee*r things actually do? i know its a rev limiter but never understood what its needed for and what problems it would cause? im going for emanage ultimate booked in with nick at tuning developments end of march might be worth giving him a shout?
  20. thats the way i wish everyone was to be honnest would be a much better world
  21. thanks for the replies i think we have both learn't a lesson, i certainly have, i should deffinatly have checked under the heatwrap 1st as i would have never sold it looking like that tis all sorted now anyway just sent chesh some money i know hes a genuine person like me so hope it helps out
  22. honnestly that is the first time i have seen pics of the manifold and i agree that is shocking welding i never realised it was in such a complete mess i was honnest about it not blowing on my car it could have got damaged whilst in my garage some how or when u got it home etc no one will ever know, and as far as my girlfriend being at home when you came to pick it up dosn't matter i said that in a text about taking the heatwrap off a day or 2 before you turned up, and you still could have looked when you came to the house it dosn't make sense how it dosn't fit on your car but from looking at
  23. Need a bit of help please, basically i sold my old turbo kit on here about 3weeks ago now i told the guy everything i knew about it being 100% honnest as allways i said that there was slight play in the turbo which was smoking slightly on occasion i told him the kit wasnt the best in the world but it was ok to get someone on the move for a while thats on a budget i told him i wasnt sure on the state of the manifold because it had heatwrap on it and i pressumed the new owner would want it on so i left it as it was, but i did say i could take it off if required and get some pics of it but as
  24. i used this in my old car worked fine for me and a hell of alot cheap than dynamat http://www.screwfix.com/prods/72438/Sealan...ape-225mm-x-10m
  25. ONLY A MAN WOULD ATTEMPT THIS Just try reading this without laughing till you cry!!! Pocket Tazer Stun Gun, a great gift for the wife. A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Tazer for their anniversary submitted this: Last weekend I saw something at Larry ' s Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse- sized tazer. The effects of the tazer were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on your assailant,
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