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Everything posted by Thorpy

  1. from what i have understood do you mean there is 2 connections on your horn and only 1 wire? if that is correct then you just need to connect that wire to the posotive side of the horn and then get another piece of wire to make a short link from the 2nd connection on the horn to the nearest metalwork usually on the bosskit itself
  2. okie dokie no probs, aslong as you and eveyone else know that im a genuine person and hate people ripping others off so i wouldn't do it myself to anyone else it would be good to look at the welds to be honnest because if its as bad as you say then i wont be going back there anymore, unless he didn't do it neat because he knew it would be covered up? depends what you mean by a bad weld, we shall see when you get the piccys up
  3. only just spotted this thanks for the feedback luke glad you like it see you soon
  4. can name and shame me if you like i have nothing to hide, ive been honest with you, and it was fine on my car worked no problem at all and i have no idea how bad the welding is because i never looked at it seen as it was wrapped back up after they had done the work the place i have my work done loads of people around here go to as he does welding for a living so trusted him with what he was doing, told you about the turbo aswell having a bit of play in it and slightly smoking, it was in my for sale thread. you could have checked it all before you bought it, but thats why i was selling it che
  5. i had mine done at chesterfield they sandblasted and powdercoated all four for 100quid they might do it even cheaper than that if your wheels arnt too bad mine were a bit of a twat to get all of the paint off i just had them powdercoated black and then stuck the green lip round them myself tis only a sticker u could do the same or they could spray them for you at the same place if you wanted? think this was them http://www.dfbcontractingservices.co.uk/index.php?page=home
  6. 1.Yazzii Ep82 2. Young Stig ep91 3.cheshireglanza 4.markoos 5.Thorpy 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  7. i will be going again cant wait theres allready a topic for this in the national section http://www.ukstarletclub.com/forums/index....showtopic=25959
  8. welcome dude your craigs friend arnt ya? hopefully see you around soon
  9. any luck with the mani yet? looking at my pics all the top bolts are deffo used as you can see below, your not trying to use the bolting holes right at the top are you?
  10. mines just got 2 metal bits to attach the hoses so ive not had to alter anything so im not sure really im sure someone else will know if you put a post up your glanza looks nice from the pic i love them wheels they would look good on mine i have some green wheel nuts but i cant use them with my wheels they dont fit in the holes i was r8 peed off because there gorgeous i was gonna buy some new wheels just so i can use the wheel nuts
  11. i think i should put it back on then i was gona sell it if not because its sat doing nothing any more info would be good need as many opinions as poss so i know im doing the right thing:)
  12. got the wheel off ebay could be real could be fake not sure but its nice anyway i like how its closer forward feels even more like driving a go kart now im not sure waht you mean? do you mean the two breathers that go to the oil catch can?
  13. yeh does sound better but id rather be safe than bugger my turbo up so is it deffo a must then?
  14. just wondering is a dump valve needed? i have an external wastegate now so my garage that fitted it removed my dump valve because he said its not needed now with the external wastegate is this true? or would i benifit from having both?
  15. Thorpy

    Shaving Balls

    haha yeh i did try that once aswell for a laugh.......i screamed for about 5mins.....and then laughed after that moisturise like a big girl is the best way and feels nice
  16. Thorpy

    Shaving Balls

    haha had a feeling this would have a lot of input i havn't cut myself for years so ive forgot how much it stings its driving me daft i used to use an electric one at 1st but i managed to cut myself with that somehow :S i just use a dispoable razor now
  17. Thorpy

    Shaving Balls

    dont cut them it hurts........ mine are stinging now........ just thought id let ya know sorry im bored
  18. good plan yeh could make another one and swap it , i probably would have done but the green is quite dark so went for black instead shame there int a bright green tho
  19. Thorpy

    Japfest 2010

    1) lukerobz (now stop bloody nagging me ) 2)ep82_girl+passenger 3) jimmy 77 stand and track 4) ep_brad stand and track 5)silverglanza stand thinking about track 6)Thorpy + passenger (just stand)
  20. got to have a domo i got a domo tshirt for xmas aswell hehe couple more pics i didnt have any pics of the new steering wheel and i thought i would take a piccy of the gearknob aswell i got board one day and saw some old pool balls in my garage so i thought hmmmmmmm and ended up with this..........
  21. i cant think of owt to moan about really i quite like seeing daft things on cars its quite entertaining, life would be boring without people to laugh at like this for example............ saw it in meadowhall car park.......... i think its a polo..........
  22. enjoyed it last year, few of us should be there again this year i would imagine
  23. it was a good few months back now with the alternator i had to pay for that replacing theres no way of proving it was him really, they said it has prob just wore out because it was covered in oil yeh i thought external wastegate was supposed to be better at holding boost thats why i went for it, i have a blitz dual sbc, it has a setting on the back of it for external wastegate so we switched that over but it just dosn't seem to be controlling it much at all i had a thought yesterday i thought id finally cracked it because i remembered that the machanic that fitted it didnt bother fitting so
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