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Everything posted by gaz

  1. Need to remove the bushes from the window my man. Just tint them, eary. Otherwise, nice job!
  2. gaz

    Formula 1.

    Me too, so annoyed.
  3. gaz

    Formula 1.

    Been put back a couple of weeks. First race is cancelled
  4. I love my TE37's and my Sparco wheels. I love the wheels and some good handling.
  5. Sitting here starving hungry hoping my fav babe station babe comes on so I can record and feeling seriously tired. I actually feel terrible, what a shit time right now.
  6. That would be great I will follow it. Also, my sig looks great in here.
  7. Wow, has some real presence from the side!
  8. Other than the bonnet what differences does the GI have?
  9. Shit too late, wanted to watch this.
  10. Not really the kid I find weird. Just seemed odd to me that 50 Cent appeared on it. Must have been for a T.V show then. Unless they hang out in the hood together.
  11. Yeh great project. Let's see how it progresses!
  12. gaz

    firefox users

    Generally Firefox shouldn't have any problems, it's more likely to be down to the user or other functions I'm afraid. Delete all your Cache and history and all that, see if it helps.
  13. There must be a patch of road somewhere with 2 white lines missing; drunk white line making man.
  14. Oh yeh, also my insurance has gone up on my car too. With the above still standing and almost 8 years driving.
  15. I'm getting fed up with insurance and Britain. I've never had any convictions, crashes, not even a parking ticket and they wouldn't insure me on my mums Ford Escort van as a second names driver becuase I'm not 25 and don't have a job. Which I do in theory. It's only worth 400 nicker. That's what you get for doing things right. If I had decided to be a drunk and a scag head I would have tons of support through life. Also, my sister and mum have loads of offenses each year; me and my dad have none. So it's justifiable I think. The sexism card is like the racism and rape card now. If you're a
  16. Yet I would pay thousands for them.
  17. Sounds immense actually. So it must have literally hundreds if not thousands of mods?
  18. Think it would pretty cool myself if you sprayed that area in the boot beneath the strut brace in purple or osmething.
  19. Anyone who says "built not bought" is a spack. All cars are built then bought. Lewis, the car looks ace, can't wait to see the final product. Dunno where you get all the money from haha.
  20. When I used to be on Vodafone I never lost my signal.
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