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Everything posted by gaz

  1. gaz

    Making a website

    When I made a website almost a year ago, it took me about 4 days to learn it properly, then I made it then an extra couple od days for the forum. Which sounds unbelievable, but really the basics aren't too hard and if you learn it flat out, you should piece it together quick. What they teaching you at Uni Miib14? Anything? Best thing you can do is go to http://htmldog.com/ combined with http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp. You can learn the basics in no time. But it can get very complicated. If you're serious then don't use dreamweaver, you can learn from notepad best and create you
  2. Nice one mate, I been doing them as little tester things. Glad you like it mate. I like that one too.
  3. Yeh they're good Ishaq, well done.
  4. Try and keep the pics the original constraint. You can do that by going edit; free transform; then holding ctrl while you drag the corner. Would look better then Ishaq. Don't be afraid to let things cut off. If you search:- DBS Volante, then at the bottom go on my profile, you will see some new ones and how I've cut them off.
  5. Tell him to join the forum first. Getting freebies, cheeky git. Miib14 is learning PS. Maybe ask him.
  6. ^ Ha Id. Funny I was thinking exactly the same!!! Does sound so much like Jo, I had a bad run in with her doing that shit but online. I was literally thinking, "this reminds me of someone." Quite a few women do stuff like that, problem is, they actually convince themselves; it's a bit of a mental problem.
  7. Ace!!! Bet you're excited mate and want to tell the world. Always a good feeling.
  8. Yeh hah, she went in that place too. She was 35. Haha. Odd how this is all connected haha.
  9. Haha reflex, nice! Brum story - When we was in bed in the hotel and my ex was asleep, about 3am I heard about 3 girls pissed trying to get in the room opposite. One of them let one rip big time and they were all giggling and the other said I can outdo that and sounded like she was forcing one out. Ahhhhh Birmingham....
  10. The last time I ever saw my ex was in Birmingham. Was meant to go to MOS. But she was a dick, coincidently she has been to Preach too, and looking back something bad has happened pretty mcuh everytime I've been there, ha. Where did you go in Birmingham? Did you go in the Primarks there? Now that's a dive too!
  11. Some shit place, don't even know why I went there. because we needed somewhere local I think. But if you're ever back this way then Maidstone's the place to go. The place we went to has now changed names mate, and it was called Preach then.
  12. Yeh Maidstone is the best night out in Kent. Been there a lot. Been to Canterbury too, only to one place but was nice in there.
  13. Need to know what the night life is like there. Been searching for clubs and doesn't seem to be any. Do you know mate?
  14. Tell me about it. I would consider myself a smart guy, in fact I think I could do most jobs and learn anything needed quickly. But I'm not given the opportunity. Was working as a gardener, that's what I amounted to. Don't even know if I'm supposed to be going back, as it's seasonal. Really getting to me now!!!
  15. Always been like that hasn't it? I've been doing SORN for years. You nearly had my well renown opinion sector of my brain getting ready for annihilation.
  16. I hate Chris Moyles too, didn't know anyone liked him. But a guy at my school was called Gareth Butt, and I named him 'Iva Dick Justin Butt'.
  17. I just sounded the queer alarm.
  18. Ha, to be fair Sparky that's not a good FB rape example, because it's too similar to you anyway, ha. They should have raped it saying, "I'm just going to some reading, I think Shakespears Hamlet is on the cards."
  19. What was it? I saw his FB saying he wants to fuck someone out of 1000's of sluts. I figured that was actually him to be honest, haha!
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