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A L 3 X

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Everything posted by A L 3 X

  1. you'll have to cut the cold side intercooler pipe down, use a silicone joiner either side and then attach your dump valve to that with another silicone joiner lol.... so it fits like this: http://i1031.photobucket.com/albums/y372/tyrondevine/IMG_4137_zps9d08e56d.jpg
  2. there looks to be no adaptor for a BOV on your intercooler piping, you will need something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Polished-Alloy-T-Piece-TPiece-BOV-Dump-Valve-Adapter-Aluminium-Silicone-Hose-/330667339255?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&var=&hash=item4cfd4f2df7
  3. Please let us know the findings whatever they do happen to be, then that way if anything has been missed we can all check? Glad you've managed to get it running so quick anyway
  4. Thought id update this, I had to cut the back bar off at the top as it would need like 10mm of spacing to clear the seat base, managed to leve the front one on by using 2 washers to shim it, and i've got to say ohh my god!! its low lol, i mean Im only 5ft6 but I cant even see over the bonnet anymore lol...
  5. Not seen on if these with an adjustable dial before, surprised it ain't been sold?
  6. Yeah I would go for the latter rather than just an SLD, much easier As for the FCD, Luke u say if your hitting fuel cut you don't just wanna whack an FCD on and think problem solved, you need to up the fuelling as well to make it safe and in my opinion stop over boost by porting the wastegate or going external, boost should be controllable when mine used to boost creep there was no stopping the boost rising lol
  7. The cjp ones were good like I say, few people on here have had them with no issues, not sure where he got them?
  8. I've rocked on it mate and seems solid, obviously not like they did in the vid as I did t want to do any damage but I gave it a good rock back and forth and seems completely solid, one Of the more decent products from them lol
  9. I bought a CJ performance one when he was trading, aside from the fact the boss was a cheap One and not a HKB as described it seems fine, suede has worn a bit though in a few months
  10. No mate you can de limit the car without modifying the fuelling, the speed limit is just the law over in Japan as far as I'm aware, just like my work van is limited to 70, you can remove it and everything should be fine Boost restriction again should be fine, Remove that as well but I have heard stories of some people hitting fuel cut after doing it, I doubt it though but if so just port the waste gate or go external
  11. I'd be interested regardless of colour lol
  12. The bolts and washers that bolt the seat belt buckle to the seat and allow it to rotate a little Need two of each? Also what size are the threads of these so I can order a nut to bolt to my bride rail
  13. How do you mean mate? There's bars along the bottom and top? As recaros have just one rail each side and no middle pieces and they're base mount?
  14. Bought a seat rail from a jdm parts importer in Ireland and it had this sticker on: Anyone heard of these? Is this a make of rail or a parts company?
  15. Haha, mine are base mounted I'm afraid but that looks epic! I'm only short anyway so should be ok lol, does the bar across the seat rails need to be there? As I've seen some recaro/ bride rails without and others like mine that have them, but the holes are on the outside of the rails
  16. Bollocks :/ i did assume that might be the case lol. ill test fit em as is if not ill cut the bar off lol Bollocks :/ i did wonder if that was the case, ill test fit em as is if not ill cut the bar off lol
  17. As above, got a rail for the drivers bride seat, but I'm gonna have to use a small spacer or 1 or 2 washers between the seat and rail so the base of the seat will clear the bar going across the top of the seat rail, either that or chop the bar off, now the sarcastic of you will say well it will make 2 to 3 mm difference lol but realistically will I be able to feel such a difference in height? As I want them sitting nice and low lol
  18. Drill the pin out of your old actuator if it lines up?
  19. I saw it yesterday mate, unfortunately it's SO type I need RO Thanks anyway mate Only need a passenger side now, got the drivers on route from Ireland
  20. A set of Meisters I bought brand new from Jerrick around a year ago? It could possibly be the exhaust, it used to knock on the axle over big bumps, so I slit a silicone coupler down the middle and cable tied it around the axle, and it stopped the big bumps, but seems to have coincided with this so you could be right? Maybe as the silicone has made the gap smaller its knocking ever so slightly now at Lower speeds instead?
  21. I've got a powerflow cat back I'd sell cheap
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