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Posts posted by rob_bower

  1. how come i did not get counted??????

    VOTED :huh:

    could of sworn i applied for a picture of mine to go in?? oh well, maybe not :lol:

    I put piccies of mine up to. I think the problem is that there was two threads one pinned and one not im guessin the thread the entrants were taken from was the pinned one!

    There are 15 cars been voted for and the lowest votes there are 5 cars with one vote! who is going to decide the two from this five to go through to the calendar?!?!?

  2. Just to throw a spanner in the works... but I'm not sure how this voting thing is gonna work! Surely if we all vote for Enzo and a couple of others, we won't have enough pics for the full 12months?!? Shouldn't we vote for the best 12 or something? That way we all put up the ones we think are the best for the full calendar then the 12 who get the most votes go in the calendar...or is that just me?

    P.S. Gutted I didn't get chosen for the final vote but I'll be back next year...bigger and better!

  3. Futher mucker. Thats a right b*stard. Its just good that you're ok! Dunno what to say without repeating everyone else really, just glad you're ok. At least they got them!!! I'm just hoping they were insured! What happenned to them? Always rememeber....where there's blame...theres a claim! Get one stuck in my friend!

  4. The only thing i would add to this is if you need to paint the rear of the rim do this first then paint the face of the wheel after. It prevents any runs or over spray on the face after you have painted them perfectly!!!! of course you only need to paint them if you can see it!!

  5. Silver Starlet same colour as mine going up the M1 today. He waved i tried to catch him up but i couldnt get through the traffic looked nice just a bit dirty!!!! I think it might have been slim or someone witht the spitting image car!!!

    I seem to be seeing a lot so starlet on the of late i had a good play with a ep82 turbo and a glanza the other sunday night.

  6. Yep its been a scream baby!!! oops wrong bit

    Anyways everyone have a great Christmas i hope Santa brings you everything you asked for!!!!!!

    Its been great geeting to know you guys and long may it cont in to 2007 and beyond!!!!!

    Thst my drunken rant over im off to bed now seen as im at work TOMORROW!!!!!


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