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Everything posted by FreedomCore

  1. I have to admit i've got my eye on this thread too lol
  2. Thanks man. That would be good of you. I don't need then just yet. Getting my wheels refurbed is on my list. I'll definitely give you a message closer to the time. Trying to sort out paint at the minute.
  3. As I said. I literally only need some temp wheels for less then a week.
  4. And I took all the advice and got Myself a hollow solid ended strut. With minimal trimming. Good point. I'll have a look a bit later.
  5. I can't believe the direction that thread took. We're all now better informed. Only need a cheap set for a week. If they look good then I'll consider that a bonus.
  6. Thanks man. I know shit all about wheels and suspension lol
  7. Lucky i asked then. Thank you.
  8. I hate to litter the forum with useless threads but does anyone know if these will fit? I need some cheap wheels for whenever I get mine refurbished. Unless some top geezer will be willing to lend me a set closer to the time for a few bob. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330882405374?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619#shId Cheers
  9. I had to bodge the fuel pump wiring on my old mini. It wasnt getting enough power so it would occasionally fail to start. And then only stay running in really high revs. It even failed to turn off once. Fun times.
  10. Cheers. Fuck, an hour and 20 away.
  11. Im about and hour and a half away from Chesterfield. There probably is a good place local to me, i just dont know many people that have needed paint in my area.
  12. Do you know what the address is?
  13. That's also another good reason to get my car chip tested. Some guy at one paint place was like "we've got 1000's of paints" i said about my car obviously being like 15 years old to which he repeated what he said =/
  14. Ideally i wanted to get some made up and do it myself. I just don't really know many places local to me. But yeah ill have another look this weekend. See what i can dig up. Im a little confused about my cars actual colour though. Most people would say its the blueish silver 1A0. But my owners manual says "Quick silver" or some shit. Would save me time to find a place that does chip testing =/
  15. That looks the tits. I need to get my splitter painted, shame im not closer.
  16. Luckily i had a birthday recently so i could afford one
  17. Im waiting for Stick-2-it to make some. Not in a rush though. TTE Splitter. Going to check out a paint place on Monday. They want £80 to paint it. Not a clue if that's a good price though.
  18. Yeah, not at flush as the originals but good enough. Hell yeah. Probably going to original colours though. Yourself?
  19. Forgot to mention that i received mine on Wednesday. They looks great. Thanks
  20. I dont know if this link will work http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151001853369?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 This is the stickers. This is the caps. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140768515357?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 And no trimming needed. Unless you use the original caps.
  21. Thanks man, I didn't want to drift too far for its SR roots lol Some one has started to sell the stickers on eBay. You'll need new caps though as the stickers are slightly larger then the original ones. Funny enough I was at Atomic Wheel today getting a quote of powder coating my wheels. I'm thinking Satin Gunmetal. Got quote about £60 a wheel for refurb + paint. What colour you going for?
  22. Got some nice new unchipped uncracked unfaded wheel caps today. I also received a package from ID-Workz today. Cant wait to get it painted and put it on
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