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Everything posted by FreedomCore

  1. Very funny.... If you dont ask you dont get.
  2. I just saw the speedline stickers. Do you think they are they the same size?
  3. Ive seem some sort of silver Speedlines, not too keen though. What are you searching on ebay?
  4. After doing a bit of detailing work today, I noticed that my Speedline Centre caps could probably do with replacing. Any recommended caps? Or anyone know of a way to do a diy copy of my current ones? Also what size are these?
  5. Ultra Racing Strut arrived today, quickly painted it and put it on. Don't look bad. I feel it needs something like a sticker on there though to pretty it up a bit. And i tried for minimal trimming on the plastics. Went well.
  6. Im considering changing what i use. I only use Showroom shine at the moment. Nothing wrong with it. I mean it takes the dirt off and protects the paint but i wouldnt mind some crazy shine lol
  7. There we go. Looking good. Im going to give mine a clean at some point today or tomorrow. What's your cleaning routine?
  8. Cheers man. Just really wanted to start representing Lol. Have you made a start on sr decals yet?
  9. All i really wanted to know was if i could get a bit better handling without having to wreck the trim. I like it to look tidy. =] And to be honest, i dont think it would matter if it were hollow or solid with the type of driving i generally do.
  10. Does anyone know about how long these take to arrive? I ordered a set on the 21st and really want to fit them =] Thanks
  11. Just so everyone knows. I bought an Ultra Racing strut. Im wondering if i should change the thread name to something more related to how to topic went.
  12. I sent you a pm, and then realised who said about the ultra racing strut in my thread. *face palm*
  13. I like my deals like my dates. Fast, cheap and satisfying =D
  14. Hey man, where about in MK are you? I may be interested.
  15. You took the words right out of my mouth. Would it be due to flexing?
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