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drongo boi

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Everything posted by drongo boi

  1. just a few pictures from japfest
  2. also got a alloy civic rad haven't got any close up pics of it fitted though
  3. a few more updates since my clutch was slipping I decided to upgrade to a fte clutch and flywheel a couple of pics to show the difference also changed the boot release for a celica one and finally getting my engine bay looking half decent again and I love this pic from on the way to japfest next job is paintwork should be getting done in the next month or so
  4. I used chipboard and strenthened in with timber and covered it in cheap carper it's not the lightest but it's strong and hard wearing I'll get a pic up later 😄
  5. Love this build! Had a nosey round it on Saturday just all the little touches 😄
  6. We did this a few years back for jae carlas still got hers 😄 deffo would be worth doing it again!
  7. Looked clean yesterday dude 😄
  8. Does anyone know if dogs are allowed at the new venue? 😄
  9. Awesome day as always!! Always nice to see old faces and meet new ones 😄
  10. Ain't bin for years it is a right good weekend 😄 ain't it next weekend?
  11. How much u wanting for it dude?
  12. After one for carlas Sr 😄
  13. Nope still not ready haha even after fitting a new clutch and rad on Sunday lol
  14. There's a couple of us meeting at j27 at quarter past 5 if anyone wants to meet up before 😄
  15. The tickets will be for sale in the store soon 😄 hopefully weel get a good turn out!!
  16. Welcome dude.😄 looks clean ya got any plans for it?
  17. Be good to see u down again rob 😄
  18. Who's heading over to this? I'll see if I can sort is a stand again 😄 hopefully weather will be better this time 😄
  19. thatll be mitchell dude hes from there
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