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Posts posted by BoostJunkie

  1. i done the same and removed the cams without putting a bolt in but its easy enough to do

    you will see the holes that need to be lined up and you will also see on the cam another hole that is for another bolt place a bolt in this hole.

    Now get a big screwdriver wrap a cloth around the end of the cam (where the cap goes over) and place screwdriver between the bolt and the cloth and twist the cam gear till the holes align get someone else to place service bolt in the threaded part to hold it in tension jobs done :)

  2. yeah thats who they believe the illuminati are, the richest familes from across the world

    urm ill link you to a video, and watch them in order, the 1st couple are a bit out there, but you have to watch them to understand the rest of the videos. i found a website where the guy believe he has found out who the families are, and it shows how every president of each election are some how related way back, (keeping it in their little secret society if you will)

    the shit about the devil and god i dont believe, if you have seen hot fuzz, thats an understandable film of how the secret society works lol

    the 1st video in a series of about 13-14 i think, the next video is tagged towards the end for you to click onto


    also an insight to what MJ knew was going on


    nice one and i bet one of those famillies is the rockefellers big banking family in america. there believed to be behind the 30's recession

  3. interesting thread guys i love reading stuff about this and read lots i don't have an opinion on most of it as i like to keep an open mind on things and read up on such matters as it is interesting,

    i believe there is defo corruption in all forms of government, religion anything with authority and this authority is always abused because we live in the monetary system as in this system there is always incentive to make people greedy we are human after all, so in that sense i believe it,

    there is many vids on youtube about conspiracies such as fahrenheit 9/11, i also saw one about the big american banking companies which was interesting saw it on tgtt about how they basically rule governments and start wars as they make money from wars, and gave a description of how money comes into circulation as no-one knows how it does and how its worth what it is and why and how the big banking companies caused the recession in america in the 30's.

    as for the world ending in 2012 (i hope not) but a bit sceptical on predicitions but with the weather and such as it is is strange i have saw and read stuff on nostradamus predictions of 2012 how the end of days starts with the burning of 2 towers and followed by strange weather and natural disasters and i also heard somewhere that he was dug up from his grave and when his coffin was opened there was a plaque on his chest with the date and year of which he would be dug up (how true this is i don't know as said was a rumour i heard but you know what they're like if i believed rumours especially where i stayed they'd have you believe allsorts lol).

    what i do find interesting is a book which i advice people interested in such things to get called "Chariots of the Gods" it's by a guy called eric von daniken some of the stuff is a bit out there but is possible, as for the mayans he says there is a big wall plaque on one of the mayan temples that shows what looks like a man sitting in a spacecraft like how modern day astronauts sit in space shuttles and is shaped like a rocket and has flames at the bottom, it also talks of a certain mountain top in that region in which at the top looks as if it was machined flat something not possible even by todays standards of engineering and looks like a runway for a plane and if you look at mountains around the area of this place (see vids on youtube of this topic correct link ) they are all peaked, and the natives there have painted animals and such on top as honour for the gods so they would come back, and a question that they ask in this book and is quite a good one why when talking about gods and such do we look up ????

    AS for whether i believe in any of this as said i am open minded i dont believe the ramblings of a person or persons show me genuine proof and i will believe it but it is interesting to read such stuff lol.

    and ryan any chance of posting more stuff on dmx and the illuminatti as that is quite interesting never knew anything about that, i don't believe in the illuminati i think there is powerful people as said before that are corrupt and are the people that control such things as the media and government but dont think its the illuminati lol just a bunch of rich wanks with too much power and love to abuse that power for their own gains.


  4. my dad done them in the end, neve done before.

    so got in car drove up road, HANDBREAK dont even work i cant have up all the way and drives like normal,

    and my break pedal hits the footwell? still breaks just not as good

    Lol your dad failed, he clearly hasn't bled the brakes and never adjusted the handbrake properly, and clearly you have the right to slap him for putting your life in danger.

  5. Count me in lads as long as its end of feb / march as hopefully the gt will be up and running again in a couple of weeks and getting it mapped and defo be up for a rolling road day :lol:.


    2.Gary (GBRM)

    3. _shaun_





    8.Andrew Miller

    9.Greg M


    11. hullahoops

    12. Chris

    13. Colin

  6. only problem is bud, the might need skimming on the spline by about 0.1mm, thats a tiny tiny amount, because i tried to get mine through, and had no chance of pulling it all the way through, ill try get a tidy pic of what happened for you today and ill post it up a bit later

    you could always use a hand file just take a tiny bit off, but best to get it done accurately dude :thumbsup:

    Please mate if you can get me a pic would be brilliant cheers

  7. I know i did post this on tgtt but there are different users on here so looking for as much info as i can get!

    Anyone running one?

    Do you have anything else to compare it to? Your old setup?

    What boost were you making at what revs? (x.xbar@xxxxrevs?)

    Was looking to go td04 but seen a few things about the vf24, im assuming it will have a bit more lag than the td04 but anyone know how much more!?

    Would only be looking to run 1-1.2 bar so it maybe wouldnt even be worth while?

    Some info i found from a link from a couple threads down by Idrees.


    This turbo is considered a great all-around turbo. Like the VF22 it utilizes the largest P20 exhaust housing. This housing is mated with a smaller compressor housing of the of the VF24. This turbo is considered optimal in applications with range from mild to slightly wild. It does not have the same top end power of the VF22, but spools up significantly quicker.


    This turbo shares its compressor housing with the VF23 however, this housing is mated with a smaller (P18) exhaust side. The smaller characteristics of this turbo allow it to provide ample bottom end power and quick spool. This turbo is very popular for Imprezas with automatic transmissions and Group N rally cars.


    This turbo came standard on the STi Version 5. In terms of overall size, it is smaller than the VF22, VF30 and VF34, and about same size as the VF23.

    I spoke to a guy on scoobynet about the vf series and his recommendation was the vf28 as anything below that i.e vf24 is gonna be mega laggy but i saw a vid posted on here of a 4dr ep91 turbo conversion running a vf24 pumping an sti so its up to yourself really but i will be going vf at some point maybe later in the year and will be going 28 :thumbsup:

  8. Sorry buddy but i have to disagree with you lol...If you are running stock ct9 orr hybrid ct9 @1bar a plug & play ECU will make the same power as a stand alone ECU...Its only when you start going past the 200bhp mark is when a stand alone ECU is worth getting anythink under that then a plug and paly ECU is well worth getting as Mark said above its save getting it mapped everytime you put something new on your car...

    I was useing a Apexi power fc ecu befor i started useing the blitz ecu and there is no diffrence in power what so ever the only diffrence is the rev limit the apexi reved out @ 7.500rpm and the blitz ecu revs up to 8.000 not that theres any point in takeing it that hi but still there is no diffrence lol.

    agree with the first part of your statement, but i meant if going for more than a hybrid can handle then a piggyback or standalone is superior and most importantly safer as your getting a better map to the mods on your car, so if you aint pushing serious power then p&p have there uses BUT i'm seeing these plug and play ecu's going for stupid prices when you can buy an emanage for less get it mapped and not paid much more than you would have for a p&p ecu.

    and as for getting more mods buy them just don't fit your mods till you have whats required for the power you hope to achieve, was what i done and that way you only need to get it mapped once tbh there's doing things on a budget which i love that, but if this guy goes the p&p route and decides down the line i want more power then you know he's gonna have to go piggyback or standalone anyway and spend that money again.

    so at the end of the day its how much he's willing to put into the build just a hybrid and usual upgrades and when the need for more power comes sells up and moves on then the p&p route is probs the shout for him but if he's the type to want to squeeze more out of the engine then the piggyback / standalone is best :thumbsup:

  9. I think i saw something like that at some point.

    Could it be a doco?

    The only thing i can find is a thing called The Business of Crime : Secrets of the Car Thieves. There is a small pic HERE which may jog your memory.

    I cant find a video of it as im on dialup and youtube isn't liking me.

    Aarrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh why do i have to have work when this is on? That must have been hilarious

    i think it may have been a documentary, just checked that link and i don't know would need to see a clip of it as the car thief i was talking about was in his mid to late 30's dark hair and tash, i will need to search and find a vid of that programme to be sure.

  10. i don't know dan can't mind if you can get a clip of what your talking about or name of the prog your on about will have a look and see.

    maybe your right sparky but for ages its been bugging me to see it again to be double sure if it is a starlet or not lol.

  11. A gt starlet was stolen over here and was on the news.

    Link to news video

    It can be seen boosting away from the cops.

    :rolleyes: awesome lol,

    siren you could help me out here (maybe lol),

    i remember a couple of years ago watching a programme about car thieves in new zealand and on it was an ex car thief who showed how he could get in and steal a car in seconds.

    in the programme they showed a police sting were they set up a car in an area famous for cars being stolen and i'm positive it was a starlet they used possibly an ep71 does this sound familiar ? even the name of the programme or if your blessed with the force a vid clip :) lol.

    if its any help i remember in the programme a guy walks past the car then returns in another car bout 20 mins later walks past it again pretending to be drunk and walks past it kicking the tyres to see if its alarmed ?

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