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Everything posted by Lukew360

  1. If it doesnt open mate it will over boost, your car will then hit fuel cut, and run really poo! It must be opening ;)
  2. I've heard rave reviews about the magnetec oil
  3. Wheels and Tein springs have been ordered ;)
  4. Gaaaaawd! It's leet (elite) gamer spelling! ;)
  5. Comming along nicely! You must post some videos when it's up and running! I can imagine this being insanely fast! ;)
  6. Defo White!! Altho it you might have a hard time keeping it clean! ;)
  7. Well i don't want it looking slammed, i just want my 15s to fill the arches so it looks nice
  8. Wow that is low! I'm surprised you still have everything intact under there! Oh and don't change the wheel colour! The blue looks awesome
  9. LOL they were all the rage! Brings back some memories there!! ;)
  10. As i thought ;) Thanks for confirming it! Think ill go ahead with the Tein springs on standard dampers, as Damien said the Glanza's are heavier ect.
  11. Are they 15s on your SR? ;)
  12. Thanks for the pictures! Hmmmmm is it me or does it look kinda high? Would you say that was a 40mm drop? Thanks again for the input Cheers Luke
  13. Ok thanks mate. As anybody got some pictures with a similar setup?
  14. I've done a lot of searching and havn't had much luck. Can anybody tell me how much the Tein S Tech springs will lower my car on standard shocks. The wheels will be 15/195/45. It's pretty unclear. . . the website states about 60mm which seems way to low, yet on other sites it says about 35mm! Cheers Luke
  15. Indeed, I feel extremely lucky! Was well worth the wait!
  16. I'm finding it hard to believe it's him, in his earlier picture he's got alot of ink on his arms. In his so say later picture he doesn't have any at all! Doesn't add up!
  17. Thank you ;) Oh yeh the under seal is also on that list!
  18. I think i beat you to it gtmuzz!
  19. Is it me or did he magically lose his tattoo's along with his weight?
  20. This is unbelievably tidy, I was so shocked when looking at it on the ramp today. It's immaculate underneath, just like it came off the factory line. Zero rust and its basically dirt free lol!
  21. Well, 3 weeks ago i posted that i had secured my deposit. It took the DVLA 3 weeks to register it!! Longest wait of my life. . . Picked it up late last night and only snapped 2 pics of it quick today. It's completely standard, awesome condition inside and out. Still has the genuine car mats and there pristine Bits i've collected so far are. . . Blitz Dump Valve (Thanks Idrees) OEM Front Lip - now sprayed black (Thanks Chesire) A large, temporary back box
  22. lol when i read the topic title i thought you meant "microsoft windows"
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