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Everything posted by BearFaceOfDoom

  1. My friend has got two this year but they still havn't taken his car off him, so he has them displayed in his boot for shows hahahaha
  2. Nahh they arent always illegal. If your lenses are clear then they arent. But if you have old style glass with the lines etched inside them they arent road legal
  3. Cheers man Your GT looked bang tidy. You got DC2 Recaro seats in yours? I wanted to have a look but I didnt wanna look shady around your car haha
  4. Sorry but am I the only one that finds this hilarious? ! ! ! The brake is the important preservation part. Because it is the part which relates to life, You recommend that it does at the shop and the maintenance shop etc which have technology to installation. As for the one which does not have self-confidence please make sure not to handle under any condition. The one which has self-confidence on self responsibility the action, Before travelling, be sure to inspect the public road! ! !
  5. Fully was full of chavs! Lew777 did you park near me in the back car park? I was in the white glanza with the jam kit
  6. Your best bet would probably a whiteline adjustable one. Once you've got it, get under the car and look in front of the back axle and you'll see a bar bolted to the axle on one side and bolted to the chassis on the other side of the car and thats the panhard rod. Piece of piss to do :harhar:
  7. Danny boy! You can't do this to me! Who's Glanza will I stylishly park up next to at all the car shows next year? lol Just get a run around, put the glanza to sleep for the winter and then just drive her on the weekends and at jap club nippon owners squad jap noodle sushi club (or whatever our club is called now ) haha And to be honest mate, if summats gonna go wrong then it's going to go wrong so you might as well plant your foot and have a lil glanza party. (And that goes for any car.... except the lil glanza party) And plus you still have taken me out in it since you got it back I n
  8. I have a set of 16''s for sale for £80 with 2 good tyres and 2 knackered ones. They're silver at the moment but nothing a rattle can can't sort out ;) haha
  9. Damn that must have been nasty! Did they both go at the same time?
  10. So I'm heading to Hull Fair on the other night to buy myself a donut or two... when my car starts pulling drastically to the right I'm thinkin... Summats not right here I get out and theres a nail the size of big ben nicely sunk into my practically new Bridgestone potenza re01r £130 tyre down the drain! (I think thats how much they cost lol) So I can't jack it up with one scissor jack alone... for some reason tonight it's gonna be a bitch and take three jacks to get it in the air! After about an hour of harsh words, scraped knuckles and rapidly smoked fags I've got the spare on lo
  11. BearFaceOfDoom

    Poor Car

    I think you'd have a hard time sellin it for £2000 tbh lol. You'd make 99p on it I guess haha Stu
  12. How come? I've only just started going tbh, since I got my Glanza.
  13. I'll be there but I'm on the nippon squad stand this year I saw you at ten of the best but I didnt have time to come over for a natter lol. So I might come have a ganders at your car on sunday
  14. The man speaks sense! However you should still be able to waste a C1 lol.
  15. ^^^^ Good vids ^^^^ Obviously we all have a blast every now and again. If your car sounds how you want it to sound it should never get old However whats the point in making your car look beautiful if it's never around long enough for people to get a good look at it because you've ripped past at silly mph? lol.
  16. For me it's not how many there are it's who is driving them. I've met a few of the guys from hull with V's and they are proper sorted and a great help The moment I see one being ragged about mcdonalds by some scret end who used to drive a 1.1 saxo with a dodgy angled backbox my heart will sink! lol
  17. Yeah I figure I'm just gonna put an Rx7 topmount instead. At the moment I want my car to be nice and reliable yet fast as well... Soon am just gonna go nuts and buy everything for it lol. Stay tuned! haha
  18. I can't rip my air con out! It's too nice in the summer just to lose a little weight (I know its actually quite a bit of weight lol) And now that I know fully that I can chill with my air con, economically! Buzzinzzz maaatttee!
  19. Ahhh economical air con then yeah? lol. Thats the only thing I actually thought it could be but then i didnt understand the point in having two air cons lol. Ahh well, glad thats cleared up! Cheers pal
  20. Okay so what's the difference between ECON and the usual Air con button what's right next to it? They both seem to do the same thing! lol If this has already been discussed before then I apologise in advance. I tried searching for it but couldnt find anything
  21. 1. YoungStig EP91 N/A 2. JonnyGt EP91 SR 3. John ^ Dad Ep91 N/A 4. Yazzii (my g/f EP82) 5. Iam a leg end EP82 6. chrissy cee ep91 Glanza Hartleepool 1. Usher EP8 2. Nismo Micra EP82 3SGT 3. JonnySi EP91 4. Dean-Dak EP91 (technically not hartlepool but close enough) Newcastle 1. scottyglanza 2. jkgt ep82 3. toodles 4. Ep91_glanza(karlo)<<< Middlesbough 1.jeppo (facebook liam jepson)(glanza) Newton Aycliffe/Darlington Area 1. Dale10ellis10 EP91 Glanza Hull/East Yorkshire 1. Laura_ep91 (ep91) 2. Blackrocket (Glanza) 3. SR Phill (EP91 SR) 4. Birdmandan (Glanza) (i can make some meets
  22. I'd love to learn to speak japanese I'd also love to be able to read it because then I'd be able to translate my dvd head unit lol
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