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Posts posted by _shaun_

  1. i shall catch you next time the UKSO t shirts certainly was a nice touch i reconise a few people normally but theres people on hear i never would have pictured like they are ha! spoke to some people for years on the site and kinda build up a picture of what you think the person will be like and never been right yet ha!

  2. aye met with a few of you at JF1 and 2 so know a few faces. i was going to pop over and introduce myself to you at JF2 but you where mid convo with a group so didnt want to be rude and barge in ha!

    been along time coming stuff always seems to pop up but so far am still all set with ticket bought so weather better be decent ha!

  3. ahh thats a fair point ill take my wee travel cup with me and wee tub with t bags and the like.

    see food i wasnt sure i cant cook to start so adding in a camping stove would be a disaster. ill bring some pot noodles and junk food incase stuff goes bad.

    ahh thats not bad then wasnt sure if they had limits like other festivals. ill just bring a few crates of beer or cinder and a bottle or two of jack to keep me going.

  4. first year going so want to make sure ive actualy planned ahead. what does everyone take with them? am thinking a tent,sleeping bag, and a camping chair and a few changes of cloths and fill the rest of the car with drink? anything else people advise taking? is there food avalible all during the event and is it reasonable priced? is there limitations to what you can bring in with you drink wise?

    cheers shaun

  5. i done it with the bluepoint version of the tool above and it was nice and simple. even using air id still turn the pistons to the top of the bores for the camber your doing and lock the crank just as a fail safe. it means even if a valve did drop it only drops a cm or so and can still be retreived via the head. if the piston is half way or at the bottom it would likely fall straight down and youd need to remove the head anyway.

  6. am brining my hitlermobile on the stand purely so i have somewhere to nap ha!

    morgey i think i was called an arsehole of a driver to many times due to the loud side exit i figured id just accept the sterotype and buy a bm. driving is far more relaxing now i can just pull out in front of people or not have to use my indicators unless am blocking the entrance to a hospital or something :)

  7. i had this problem for ages checked wires and all sorts bought a new sensor still didnt work then borrowed an ecu didnt help borrowed a sensor and turns out the new sensor i bought wasnt an oem one it was just shite. so picked up a new oem one and problem solved since

  8. I love the noise from my car but with it being 3 hours to the nearest strip or 7hours for japfest and such like even with the music up you can still hear the drone from your exhuast sitting at 5k for hours after you arrive home ha! Music is a must to maintain sanity!

  9. I like the look of them but even better if they sound decent too!

    Just sounds so tinny with no bass in the GT, i'd rather have no music!

    nah they are good if i could have kept mine and amped them i would have kept them. go for fairly cheap aswell to be honest

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