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Posts posted by Addymk2

  1. Whoever runs it, it will still be run by idiots, just passed from one idiot to the next. Do you really think all these promises will be kept....I say NO they won't

    There's only one way to find out. Vote yes

  2. The media may overhype it but they do get more powerful every day. They just need to get there morale knocked back fighting a proper army. That would shut the wankers up

  3. That's good to know. What are they like on fuel? I always liked the look of them, apart from the standard rear lights of course. They're cheap as chips out here, reliable?

    Mine was fairly bullet proof apart from the coil packs. In a year it killed 2 of them and they're about £100 a piece. Aside from that it was flawless. Fuel economy wise on a run I was pushing 35+ to the gallon, if you have a heavy right foot however they can get through the juice but then any car will. I liked it personally! Preferred it to my DC2 once I'd dialled in my coilovers and it stuck to my mates mapped RX8 on a run. Give one a go if they're cheap mate

  4. I'd avoid altezzas really. Told they're thirsty and very very slow. Would be a good cruiser though.

    Disagree. Driven properly Tezzas are alright, 210bhp as standard, rwd and throw some corners in and a starlet won't know which way it's gone lol I got a 15 second dead 1/4 mile in my standard one with shitty tyres at the pod. The one I boosted I never took up the strip but it was an animal. I got told today that starlets are just ticking bombs waiting to go boom, don't believe everything you hear ;)

  5. Currently in the process of joining the RAF as a commissioned officer (once I finish getting rid of a tattoo). Out of the three services RAF definitely treat you better. Don't over look the less popular trades as they can sometimes be better and have just as good if not better promotion opportunities. It's not all about the glory roles.

    I work at the defence school of transport in the quarter masters department so I get to speak with recruits of all trades, corps and services etc etc and work closely with serving military personnel. Reme and re definitely have better promotional and civvy street prospects.

    You work in Leconsfield? I swear my driving instructor up there was a paedo! Moustache and long fingernails, does the HGVs if you see him knocking around.(I'm gonna have to bloody salute you once you've passed lol)

    Army wise I'd definitely recommend RE. I'm engineers now, mighta bumped into a few of you bods in here if you've been in a while!

    My main recommendation is to take whatever the recruiter says with a pinch of salt. They will push you towards undermanned trades. Pick what you wanna do, something with a trade and real world applications.

    If your fit do the divers course, my Q atm is a diver and he rakes it in.

    But if your going full time Army, try and pick a trade that will get used regularly. I know some brickies who haven't touched there trade in over 8 years lol

    Other aspects of the forces, RAF get it cushy. Going on exercise in a hotel? Wtf... Jelous is an understatement when I'm under my fucking poncho.

  6. They are all at fault it was an event orginused by social media without informing land lords and police, it's true tho there is always one that tried to be cool and ends up getting someone hurt and ruining a night for everyone , but oneday police will make it illegal because of fuds like that

    It already is in most places now. West Midlands is pumped in most places where it used to be fun. Hams Hall, spitfire roundabouts, engine lane etc. Haven't seen a decent meet on in ages this way as your car gets crushed lol

  7. A lude will be a better daily. The B18s in the Tegs are relatively torqueless and the interiors are fairly rattly. Assuming your talking type R anyway.

    The Lude comes with a nicer interior, more creature comforts and the H22 is a torquier lump low down. As a daily I'd go lude.

  8. From the sounds of it the organisers will have to work a little harder now but I'm glad the police haven't decided to ban it outright.

    I'm assuming if the organisers get in touch with the police 1st it could be organised well aslong as it's sorted well ahead of time.

    I can't believe how much of a prat that bloke was. Genuinely shocking footage. What an utter fucking nob.

  9. Yeah. Run the car to normal temperature

    Also remeber with how you jack it up to jack it level. And fill it level

    Otherwise it won't all drain, or won't fill to the right level

    I usually drop mine over the pan so it's flat as fudge. Force of habit I suppose!

  10. lol exactly right shorty we bum america for a reason haha thats cus we are a tiny little island with a tiny little army. absolutely no force whatsoever compared with say russia or even ukraine.

    unfortunately theres never gonna be an answer to this, there will always be the lunatics that will never ever stop fighting. seen as we are quoting movies ile put in a very true quote from terminator 2 lol.

    *arnie to john connor* - its in your nature to destroy yourselves.

    and it will happen my friends as we get more and more intelligent we get more and more dangerous.

    Hence NATO, essentially a combined European/US army. Historically NATO was set up to stop Russia from being cheb ends.

    Our force is small but we are the best army in the world man for man.

  11. Bring back national service... Are you stupid? You're saying that innocent people shouldn't die because of some scumbag's decision to shoot a plane down but then we're all up for shoving innocent people from here into other countries to be shot and blown up. Going to war for thousands of people to die over an argument between leaders is a fucking joke. People don't need to die over it, the leaders need to be removed and thrown in jail for someone with a brain to take their place. We're all owned by the government as it is, I'm not going to support being booked in shipped out and fucked off as well.

    ^^^^^ whats that comment got to do with plane being shot down ?? i dont get that 1 there ????

    Sorry Colin it was meant to be attached the the above post but it dropped off.

    The plane was shot down, however no one knows what Ukraine has been using to move troops/equipment. A plane doesn't have to be painted green in order for it to be military. Plus it was essentially flying over a conflict zone. Would you walk through a fire fight if you had the slightest bit of common sense?

    The pilot messed up here majorly imo and the party that shot it down made a mistake. Casualties from both innocents and combatants are prevalent during war and that's essentially whats going on in Ukraine.

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