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Everything posted by Ryno

  1. yeah whatta tool the videos on youtube of people doing it down busy roads are just crazy!
  2. if you mean Compton, Surrey..... then yeah pretty close
  3. fuck stopping and getting out to confront them, who knows who they were or what they could of had!!! crazy fool! if i feel i'm being followed, i just dust them, or if it's too close to home then i take them on the nice little country b-roads to see how well they can keep up, then when i've lost them i'll double back or loop round and head home! been followed a few times but i wouldn't dream of getting out of my car, even with back-up it's still asking for trouble! (basicly i know the pikeys round here carry guns)
  4. http://www.civic-unlimited-night-team-syndicate.net CUNTS for short
  5. you mean like this yeah? joking!! i do kinda like it, but it depends on the car! here's a few other examples stolen from another forum...
  6. wow had to check the date on this! don't they do this every year?!
  7. you should look into an evo 7 ecu mate, they are better for re-mapping (flash)! :surrender:
  8. un-modified one, has lower miles on the clock and you don't know how long them mods have been on for or the condition of them! least if you modify it your self you can have it to your spec and you know exacly whats going on!
  9. very nice mate you forgot to mention you have a Blitz rad cap too! what the ARC sticker from? the manifold heat shield? Cal's right, thats the stock recirc bov down by the battery with the red hose coming off it! .... still got a grin from ear to ear as your driving around!?
  10. i did my Moses impression!!
  11. same as above, sept silicone sealed it on aswell as bolted sorry bout the big pic
  12. yeah blue I've's are sexy as fuck!! it's exacly what i was after until i got mine! oh and Cal...... STFU, stop copy & pasting everything you read others say.... unless you have had any experience with crank walk?!?! every car has issues, if there was one without any then everyone would have it!
  13. for a second there i thought you said Shelly's
  14. Welcome to the club mate! if your not already then get on the MLR! whats going on with the half a garage?
  15. i got a stinking hangover and a gap in my memory of what i got up to last night..... i'm aiming for the same again tonight!
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