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Everything posted by Ryno

  1. Damn slow ass shit server double posting son of a bitch!!!!!!
  2. ... been looking into getting a new pet...
  3. course he's old, he wouldn't be a Pedo otherwise!
  4. been thinking about getting one of these... .... & the Pedo Bear Sticker!
  5. Welcome to the Turbo club! looks v.nice!!
  6. had 100W blue'ish RING bulbs in for 3years and never got so much as a raised eye brow! use to have them because the roads round here are the type you need all the light you can get :surrender: haven't got them in the evo tho because times are changing and VOSA/Police are just waiting for any excuse to give cars the once over!
  7. Idrees know you've started compairing yourself to him?! who next? Lewis Hamilton? Richard Burns? Ken Block? :surrender:
  8. more like 1984 if your talking books!
  9. you still living at home? any real debts? kids to feed? even tho people are working, companies are cutting jobs and putting the work load on the the people left! it's not good times mate!
  10. might be because most people are out of work and/or struggling with money?! seen the news
  11. Ken Block Playing in the Snow..... enjoy! Click Here!!!!!
  12. if that was me i'd have it framed and on my wall! would be worth the broken legs!!!
  13. Ryno


    you sound like a right little pikey!
  14. WTF is Skeletor doing in the background!!
  15. mamma mia soundtrack!! you can't beat a good sing-along!
  16. not like you haven't done that before! you checked that link i sent on fb shelbo?
  17. if you do 'drag my cars arse down the road like a dog on carpet' or feel that it's free enough to drive then just do a short sprint up the road and check your rear brakes! i thought mine were free until i got out and checked them a mile down the road to find both the rear discs glowing orange and spitting flames! did look the shit tho!
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