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Everything posted by DaveyDemolition

  1. thank you, gunna go and buy some wires and spade connectors and see how it goes now then
  2. My volt meter and tach came in the post today, but the wires are no where near long enough, i know where to wire both for the 12v power supply, im going to do it in the stereo because it has a wire that says 12v ignition so i know that will work fine, then ill earth it somewhere and with the tacho i know that you can get a spade connector to go into the diagnostics box etc. and the volt meter goes to the (-) battery? but anyway how can i extend the wires im assuming i can just get some red wire for the power, black for the earth and negative battery. but what about the green wire for the actu
  3. it was just a suggestion, its all about being a little bit different the main thing is i didnt actually buy it ahaha
  4. yeah that is nice, ive pm'd a guy on here about a glanza spoiler, it was just a thought anyway, it was local and cheap
  5. Shall i buy this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120787045947?ssP...984.m1423.l2649 its in red so it might match my car, all i would have to do is drill into the bodywork and its not like its a massive chavvy carbon fibre spoiler, its nice and subtle, theres only 1 hour or so left on it and its local to me. anyone think its a good idea ?
  6. My sister came over today so just took a few snaps of mine and her cars, the pictures are nothing special so i dont know if this is the appropriate place for this thread, anyway let me know what you think
  7. Best way to fit one of these? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sniper-Easy-Fit-...=item3f045f3162 I bought it a while back, just want to know wheres the best place for the wires? shal i wire the 12v feed to the battery or something else? i just basicly want the key fob to work, and for it to make a sound when the cars getting broken into. not bothered about the hazard lights and all that. thanks in advance
  8. mate anything will be better than the tyres ive got on now, loose control going like 25mph on any courner in the wet, the tyres are to skiny for the car, theyve got tread like, there just really really shit but yeah thanks mate, its just too keep my mum happy you know what its like she wants to know what shes buying, even though shes getting them for me anyway i need alloys in my life, they will look so nice on my car. ahaha dont tell me you punched your car :L and yeah i read the bit about the little crash, there are some dickheads on the road ill tell you that.
  9. ahahah its the only way to drive though! this is my first car, its meant to be ragged and enjoyed in my eyes ;) its what its there for. but i always learn by my mistakes but yeah i know how hard it is applying for jobs, at one stage i printed off every job i applied for over a 3-4 month span, and i think it was about 2-3 inches thick of paper its a nightmare, i hate our economy. but yeah it would be nice to see your car mate even if it isnt running that well, after looking through your build thread it would be nice to see it in the flesh. also think you could get me a few pictures of the whe
  10. yeah i would definatley take them for £80 been looking for a decent set of either white or black ones for ages! and they are really really nice. going by my sunstrip, i think im gunna go for a red black and white theme for my car. when i first bought it, it was going to be red and black, then i wanted it red and white, so now ill just have a mixture of the 3 ahah but with those black wheels on its going to look really nice. yeah ill definatley take them if you don't mind? But yeah, at least you can have one last outing in it before its due for its mot, is it driveable then? do you ju
  11. ooo cheeky, how much would you want for them? i take it you are coming then ? as a noobie i was read through your whole build thread, was loving how much you done to it, then it just got really depressing towards the end its like reading an unfinished book i hope you get it all sorted! please dont break it ;) will you be coming in your car or not?
  12. Cheers pal and yeah definatley, ive got the day off work especially for it ahah how many of you are going now? And it should be looking even better by then, ive got import plates,triple pod gauge, rev counter, volt meter, and a few other bits all in the post, so by the time that comes around it should be looking alot better. just need to get some new alloys and lower the bitch. going to go to the scrappies soon see if i can get a decent splitter get the front end looking even nicer. Im thinking about getting steelies and spraying them white but im really not sure..
  13. Another small update, well quick a big one for me, basicly after 4 hours, alot of chweing gum remover, intensive tar remover, a hair dryer, T-Cut, a scraper, and another mixture of substances i got all that minging glue off the sides!!! It looks so much better. in the meantime i got a TRD sunvisor which i think looks really good, but i know alot of people on here may not like it because they may think it looks pretentios, but debating now whether to spray the mesh black to match the visor, any way i think its looking alot different and much better. Constructive critism on it so far please
  14. Ordered them now anyway £24.50 inc postage for front and back, import style with a red border. can't complain at that price and there completley legal thanks guys and thanks Amjad for showing me the site
  15. Hmmm I was just wondering about the border and the 'Toyota Racing Development' thing ive got on the bottom, but on pro plates, i went on the mot specific number plates bit, created my number plates, and its allowing me to have a border, but not the writing bit at the bottom, so i guess there's my answer just dont want to give the cops and excuse to pull me over not worth the hassle Cheers mate
  16. yeah i meant 330 ahah anyone know if these would be legal?
  17. 300/178 is on the website, cheers mate
  18. Yeah just want some import style plates for my car, what size is the best to go for? because on the websites its coming up with all mm measurements, just wondering whats the best size to have and if anyone could reccomend a decent site to get them from. Thanks, Dave
  19. what's the plan for the meet then guys noticed its the 23rd, I'll see if I can get the time off but I'm definatley down, what time and where? whos going and what we doing ?
  20. Saw a silver glanza in lantrisant at about half 8ish/9ish. I parked next to it, Very nice clean looking car. I Parked next to it, but whoeever the driver was probably laughed when they came out and saw my car. but im in the process of doing it up! Anyway very nice looking car, as i came out of tescos it was just driving off, was so so so close to running after it because i just get so exited when i see a glanza or a decent looking starlet in the flesh
  21. Ahah its alright, its no questions or anything, i only just reolised who you are and where you live Looking at your Ep Build i recognised the street, then remembered that i had been to your house before looking at a starlet for my sister nearly 2 years ago now, and ever since then driving past there a few times i noticed your car on the drive
  22. My initial thought was black, but then i thought that you wouldent even really see it, and red and white is quite nice i think I will probably have a few people on here tell me that white doesnt look good, but i think it does, and im just happy at how much better it looks than it did before, and i surprised myself at how much of a good job it is by the way i pm'd you the other day
  23. Small Update Did a Few little things today, saw a few people had done it and just made it up as i went along Bought some grill mesh from a shitty place for like a £5a each for two sheets of mesh. Then bought some white spray paint and sprayed them white... Then began cutting out the grill at the front, very simple, very affective.. Before: After: Takes two seconds to do and would recommend any one to do it, im a complete novice yet i managed to give this a go Then i added the white mesh onto the car... Looking better already in my oppinion! Just another quick picture
  24. ahahah i was waiting for someone to mock me about that, its just a little something i picked up on ebay for a few quid untill i get the money together for a back box
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