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Beastmode panda

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Everything posted by Beastmode panda

  1. That actually looks insanely clean! Just asking, but how do you know all of this?
  2. You're mental taking it off! I've got a black V aswell, so you wana do a deal, my OEM one for yours and how much money?
  3. Ohh that's you haha, max forster? They are panel holding springs, drilled the wing and drilled the bumper and it holds the bumper up more (so no pannel gap) and easy to remove... And looks racecar. Ok mate i'll do one tomorrow.
  4. Our boy stanley, 10 months old in these pics. Sharpei cross staf.
  5. Haha it's lazy sunday clothes, can't be fucked with jeans on a sunday haha, need to feel loose and coumfy when driving a bit faster too . It's not matching so it's ok .
  6. LMFAO max, hahahahaha. Tape your iphone to your bumper hahahaha.
  7. Thanks guys i appreciate it! . Hahahahahha dan, i lauged! lool.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shVQJ-iQrbo&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIDO0eU1c9c&list=UUjCeY-qiMdc9nuwWz4iSUkA&index=2&feature=plcp How bout now guys?
  9. Really!?!? Wtf, does the videos not show up or?
  10. Couple of vids i made today while it was sunny in the td04 glanza. PLEASE excuse the opening clips, the sun was in my eyes and i couldn't see if the cam was on or not haha . Un editted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shVQJ-iQrbo&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIDO0eU1c9c&list=UUjCeY-qiMdc9nuwWz4iSUkA&index=1&feature=plcp Cheers.
  11. ill be there too, wana call it a meet at thurrock services!?!?
  12. fuck me how perfect is this!!!!! absolute dream of perfection.
  13. Erm can't remember what size mine is, my friend made it for me and i just gave him the measurements. I'll measure it later. Been passed plenty of police cars and no issues. alot of people round my way have plates like these and one of my friends has one reading 'G4VSA' and it's literally the size of a penguin chocolate bar......
  14. Haha, so am i mate. Yeah feels so shit, i haven't been on full boost since my ct9 turbo so i dont even know what a td04 feels like lol.
  15. Hmm, we did soak it up! hopefully it will come off with ease after the wd40 being soaked in now for a few days! NEED this done then i can get my fueling set up at the tuners!! Sad face .
  16. Thanks nick hahaha xD. Shorty we did do both spanners, maybe we was tightening it haha! Fingers crossed that was the case
  17. EDIT - PICTURE HAS BEEN COPIED OFF GOOGLE THIS IS THE 'SAME' SET UP AS MINE BUT NOT MY EXACT CAR, (incase you think im insane because the bolt in this picture is undone lol).
  18. Hi guys, having a bit of trouble with fitting my fuel pump.. Basically i went to fit my 255 and ran in to a trouble right away! The banjo bolt wouldn't come off, i mean like if you force it you will start banding fuel lines, it started to flex as it is so i just left it and soaked it in wd-40. I was speaking to nick off here on fb and his fuel pump set up is COMPLETELY different to mine and we don't know why, whether it's to do with the year of the car? (his is newer than mine) and his is facelift mine isn't. Well anyway this is my fuel pump set up and the bolt in the middle is stuck, has a
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