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Everything posted by ep-beast

  1. unreal buy francis sucha engine bay any plans for big horses ?
  2. have one of these wired into my ecu when i get down to a quater tank of petrol and give boost in 1st or second gear its like it hits fuel cut or a spike ? why is this happening? and want a solution?
  3. savage clean car lad ya never really see red ones good to see your not hanging round with buying parts ;)
  4. i painted mine black luke looks fair bettr than the silver/stainless
  5. it was in the car when i got it .not sure if its plumed in right theres a small hks electronic box near the headlgihts and 3 pipes coming out of it were should these go ? but my turbo is creep boosting like fuk cause id say theres some serious cracks in the wastegate
  6. http://www.google.ie/imgres?q=hks+electronic+valve+controller&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1092&bih=514&tbm=isch&tbnid=SiPs36pLAocPMM:&imgrefurl=http://www.miricommunity.net/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D61%26t%3D33398%26start%3D0&docid=0llPm-en7z-UWM&imgurl=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs559.ash2/148144_157987070911630_135496003160737_274727_1612898_n.jpg&w=720&h=540&ei=OoWqUPTXGJSYhQfYlYDwAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=93&vpy=196&dur=927&hovh=195&hovw=260&tx=140&ty=175&sig=108850553193875905828&page=3&tbnh
  7. well lad have drivers wing mirror and amber indicators and perfect carpet will sell all at a cheap price pm me
  8. do you have an lsd box? i have an lsd box and it was 30 splines on the drive shaft when i ordered them from camskill and my gearbox is out of a gt 1995 oem lsd gearbix plus shafts
  9. as above took this out of an integra and it was wired in behind the radio theres four wires out of the box red black white orange any info on were to wire these thanks
  10. one here aswel down in boyle in roscommon near sligo
  11. have one here in ireland for cheap are you goin spraying it ?
  12. nice car lad this usta be my friends yoke back in ireland it only had 2 pervious owners when he had it and was mint couldnt fault it but went first engine went and went downhill from there :/ nice car tho
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