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Photoshop Competition?

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Hey Chappywappys.

I've noticed alot of people here have photoshop (to make signatures or fill requests from those who haven't got PS) and it got me thinking.

How about monthly competitions, spend from the first day of the month till the last day working on those competition cars, then produce your final chop on the 28th of the month (start on the 1st, finish 28th) and hold a poll for two weeks to decide the winning chop.

The car to that month is set by the one who holds the competition (i vote myself to set it up each month if you guys think its a good idea) and then i add a link to a hi-res picture to work from.

All mods can be held (even convertible conversions etc) and try your best to win of course ;)

Who thinks this competition has potential?

Galliano :(

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get it ;)... pick up an old version for a couple of quid off fleabay :(

the reason it came to me as i saw it on another forum, and they did well.. nothing special like digimods, but really good chops and it gives you chance to practice your skills.. or show what you already have.

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i got it from PC world for about £20-£30 iirc..

best bet is to pop to your local PC world and have a ganders at the newer versions ;)

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Altough i havn't got it Photoshop CS3 is amazing. But if your not a Pro Photoshop 8- CS will be good.

I was gonna post a comp of this a few weeks ago but couldn't bothered. lol

Unfortunately for the majority of people probably wont have time to do it every month. And not only that, its best to have certain photos i.e pictures of coloured cars are easier to re-colour, pictures with clear background save having to edit windows badly if you change the cars location and so on.

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I think I may have to buy Photoshop soon. I would love to be able to make my own signatures, simply because no one else will ever get them exactly as you want. Plus you have all the time in the world.

Although, I really do need a new sig like yesterday! ***HINT HINT*** ;)

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I think I may have to buy Photoshop soon. I would love to be able to make my own signatures, simply because no one else will ever get them exactly as you want. Plus you have all the time in the world.

Although, I really do need a new sig like yesterday! ***HINT HINT*** ;)

trade de sig fur paiz

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was going to say that aswell....why dont you just speak properly?

If you want a comp...someone start it, and ill put the threads/pin them, in the photoshop section....im not running it though, as i do potm

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