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Dear all

A friend sent this through, and I've checked it (only got one on there,

phew!, but it's good to know)

Following the governments freedom of information act, you can now get

access to speed camera offences registered in the last 12 months.

Did you know that every time your car goes past a speed camera even 1

MPH over the set limit, it is registered and put on a database??

You only get a ticket if you are way over the speed limit or, if you

attain 20 near misses, which then has you classed as a serial offender

and gets you a ticket the next time you go over the limit. This is why

you hear of some people being fined for 31 mph in a 30 zone and others

not being fined for going at 39 mph.

You can check if there is anything against your vehicle at the following



You will be asked for a password, but just click on the need a password

link and you will be given one for future use. If there is any data on

your vehicle, you can click on the camera window to see a copy of the

photograph. This photo will come in handy if you challenge any

registered offences or charges.



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smells like bullshit to me! <_<

but in surrey they are dropping the trigger limit on the cameras by about 5mph! :lol: still you'll have to be doing about 37 insted of 42 to get flashed in a 30mph in surrey!

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