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Paranormal Activity

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Very well made film I must say, it was quite creepy!

But I think it's NOT as scary as everyone's been saying lol

I quote a friend of mine: "Oh my god :/ paranormal activity is shit scary!!!!!! Aaargh never ever going to sleep ever again. Christ." :lol:

But yeah good film :lol:

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The fourth kind sucked.. the only jumpy bit was when the guy bounced out bed...

The paranormal film was ok last night 99% of the folk in the cinema LAUGHED when the door move out then back in..

only bit i loved was when she got dragged out bed...

the ending sucked but definately different ending than other type films.

not spooky just fun in my opinion...

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yee when she got dragged out the bed that was pretty funny, theres 3 endings to the film. 1. the cinema version, 2. she slices her throat to the camera. 3 shes rocking backwards and fawards near her bed then you hear her friend calling her name and then hear her screaming down stairs then the police come and shoot her. cinema version is the best thow.

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Just got back from this... not that scary at all. kinda freaky but stil...

The showing before ours was a full room, and they all came out like out of breath and going mad about it, i was like WTFB&Q???

Only about 30 people in our room, some people seemed scared lol..

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saw this last night awesome when she got dragged out of bed

they reckoned it was scary as fuck there was more people laughing when i saw it last night so no scary but last 30 mins made up for the really boring hour start lol

still good though and the ending was shit but funny though lol

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Oh defo.. defo....

honestly they were good actors in it but i almost fell asleep then something eventually happened. it dragged on a bit and i found it more funny than scary. me and the mrs burst out laughing when she was dragged down the hall lol. nice jugs though :). go see the 4th kind much better

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