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Glanza Has Gone

Guest cheshireglanza

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Guest cheshireglanza

on my way round to my girlfriends house last night to pick glanza up knock on door to find a debt recovery guy standing at the door,first think i though was who the fuck are you till he said that your girlfriends mum has not payed her council tax bill off 1,650 and were here to take the payment or her stuff so they can sell it to make the money back and what do u no they come out with we will just take the car outside to pay the money off so i kicked off a fair bit told them theres no chance your taking that car so they said they would call the police if i didnt hand over the keys im so gutted i changed the address in the log book to my girlfriends if i left it in my bros they could not have taken the car,my girlfriends mum not got the money to pay so i can buy my car back and i have not got any money to get it back cause i spend loads on it this week so if you keep eye out you might just pick up a bargin off a mint glanza for 1,650 going to do my best to get it back i have 5 days to try get it back before it gos up for sale

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Guest cheshireglanza
you do realise thats actually illegal.

they cannot seize anything that doesnt belong to the person who owes the debt.

phone the police. they have technically stolen the car from you.

is it not any thing in the house if u own it or not the car was in my name but had the address off the house that had the outstanding bill there were going to get the police to me cause i would not let the car go

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Excellent!!!!!!!! (in a mr burns voice) :wacko:


scroll down to 6 A :D

i know it's not your spouse but it will still apply!


i'd teach them a lesson too! sue them for a loss of earning's as you've been without transport! & also defermation (spelling) of character,to the public eye they've just made you look like you run up debts as you had your car flat bedded away!

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mate the car is in your name therefore your property the debt isnt in your name so how can the sieze it?>??

thats like them siezing my car for your step mums debt... get on the phone to the police and a solicator aswell compo claim lol

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thats just unbelieveble, to be honest i would ave let them call the coppers.

No way in HELL someone is touching my car because some other person has debts!

Its not an adress(house) that can have debt, there is always 1 persons name under a contract who is responsible for all payments etc. If that is not you than they can go f*ck themselves.

Get your glanza back asap!

and teach them a lesson like Nayls said.


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This is possibly the most fucked up thread I have ver read on here!!

Ia m actually reading this in disbelief!!

Its common sense that they cannot take YOUR car for SOMEONE elses debt!!

WTF like isnt there anything in the house they could of taken? Didnt your Mrs mum say anything to them about the car?

You should be fine mate, but I wouldnt leave it there after you got the G back, claim like fuck then they will be sorry.

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Guest cheshireglanza

i have really feel out with my gf mum last night cause she told them take the car i was shocked to see the glanza get taking away @sparky only thing in the house worth taking was yet again i owned it which has now been moved in case they come back when they find out that there not selling my car it felt shit every one looking at car get taking away then people asking u did u owe them money for it :wacko:

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What the fuck!?

No way should you of handed the keys over mate, I'd be down the police station and on the phone to a solicitor if i was you. As Nayls posted, its illegal and sue the fuckers to their knee's !!

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Guest cheshireglanza

ok i have been to manchester were C.A.R.S are based and they have agreed to give me my car back but are going to come back to my gf mothers house to take her stuff so now i feel bit harsh on my gf there going to have nothing left not really bothered bout her mum after she said take my car :wacko:

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Guest cheshireglanza

i was not thinking straight when i give them keys it didnt click with me just got in from busy day at work didnt no what the fuck was going on at first when they were on bout my car i though i forgot pay some one but there are bring my baby back to me tonight and clearing out the house she would always seat on spare glanza seats i have in garage lol big smile on my face when i see my baby back again :wacko:

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