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i hate do gooders!!!!!help please

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just tell her that her whinging is annoying you so now its even. or post her some ear plugs through the door.

(note to self..... maybe this is why all my neighbours are selling up.....)

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arent i always batman in our 'roleplays' Joz?

-sorry had an ecksjay moment there... lol

lmao Impossible, I am JOZMAN, do u not understand that Thunderpants?

With a name like that, its obvious I am the True Superhero!!! :lol::huh::lol:


Peace Out


p.s do not delve into the mind of ecksjay or even think of having a moment or you shall never return to your true reality in the matrix!!!

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arent i always batman in our 'roleplays' Joz?

lmao Impossible, I am JOZMAN, do you not understand that Thunderpants?

With a name like that, its obvious I am the True Superhero!!! :huh::huh::lol:

:lol: ;) :p

Peace Out


p.s do not delve into the mind of ecksjay or even think of having a moment or you shall never return to your true reality in the matrix!!!

LMAO at you pair B):D:lol::lol:

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:lol::huh: @Ecks...punch her in the ovaries, thats quality!

@Joz i know EXACTLY wot u mean dude! I'd half-nelson choke hold (Tazzmission) her ass (slightly illegal due to the choke but effective never the less) she wont be makin to much noise herself after thats been applied for more than 10 - 15seconds! :lol::lol:


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you wrestling fans would love to meet my mate. he's a real life wrestler called constrictor, got a 8ft snake and everything!

anyway try to be civil and if that fails try violence, cant hurt can it.

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:lol::huh: @Ecks...punch her in the ovaries, thats quality!

@Joz i know EXACTLY wot u mean dude! I'd half-nelson choke hold (Tazzmission) her ass (slightly illegal due to the choke but effective never the less) she wont be makin to much noise herself after thats been applied for more than 10 - 15seconds! :lol::lol:


This is great!

Its turned into a wrestling thread :lol:

U can just hear that Tazz music playing lol!!!

I was at the Smackdown Show at the Odyssey in 2005 Phil mate! I was the one wearing the blue Rey Mysterio mask throughout the whole show, even going to the bathroom lol!

There was a riot afterwards on the grass outside, it was excellent!!! Did u go?

Peace Out


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Not in 2005 no. I was there in oct 04, saw RVD in the foyer, would love to have met the Deadman, all time fav bar none! Havnt been to a RAW event yet tho which is buggin me, couldnt be arsed last time they were here, im so lazy! Will defo be there next time, esp as i know how to meet some of them now lol!


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What you have to take into consideration here is what she deems to be loud. 90db may not seem loud to you, but it may seem deafening to her.

If it's loud, just try turning it down a little. It doesn't hurt does it?


I completly understand, but she was just making it out i was there for hours with it on. The sub is actually on only half power because on full power there is too much bass for me and the volume is never turned fully up as the sound gets distorted the higher you go. It's not one of those you can hear comin a mile off but if i drove past with the window down you can tell i have a sub.

Im far from a nuisance neighbour it just seems im the only one on my street with a hobby. The main reason she said was she couldnt hear her TV. I'd love to have her hearing if its that good.

I like the wrestling moves but i think thats a sure way to get arrested. I can dream about doing them though. :huh:


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Is she quite old? Well we all know we get them moaning neighbours, my ex neighbour told my dad to tell me to stop washing my car as iam using up too much water. I think grannies should stop watering the garden, waste of water that is.

So ignore them, my brother had a mad loud zorst for his BM, the neighbours even sent the cops round about it, but luckily my brother changed it before they came and they couldn't do anything about it.

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ive strangled loads of people lol :lol:

i have done them in lots of competitions :huh:

and also had them done on me lol

thing with bass is mate is that its practically a non-directional low frequency sound, it will travel quite far sometimes and can usually be heard among other sounds.. so sometimes you have to be careful... im sure there just being too moany though, maybe jealousy or just miserable barstards.

because people can be right arseholes sometimes ay

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thing with bass is mate is that its practically a non-directional low frequency sound, it will travel quite far sometimes and can usually be heard among other sounds.. so sometimes you have to be careful... im sure there just being too moany though, maybe jealousy or just miserable barstards.

because people can be right arseholes sometimes ay

I know. I can hear my mates MTX system from a mile away. It's so loud and you are right about jealous neighbours. When i had my modified micra before it was stolen my neighbours where always complaining about that. The exhaust,the engine,the system(i didnt even have a sub in it). My dad has always had nice cars aswell. He always buys the latest Toyata Camry new when it comes out as he loves them. But we always find the wing mirrors broken on both sides and scratches on the cars. I haven't had a scratch but ive had my wing mirrors done.

Is she quite old? Well we all know we get them moaning neighbours, my ex neighbour told my dad to tell me to stop washing my car as iam using up too much water. I think grannies should stop watering the garden, waste of water that is.

She is in her early 30's but she is very stuck up and yes shelly ive had the water complaint aswell. :lol::huh::lol:


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