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Alright folks,

I know we have a fair few fans of the extreme sports here on UKSC - some of you are into your Moto X, we have some skaters amongst us, a few mountain bikers, maybe the odd BMX fan, i know there's a snowboarder or two (Nath) and the odd skier (me and Rick), and perhaps there's even a surfer amongst us - and I know that, in general, the skate style of clothing is very popular amongst alot of us (I've met a bunch of you hooligans, dont think I didnt spot the skate shoes out there....me included lol).

Well, a local NI friend of mine has started up his own business selling surf, skate, moto x and extreme sports style clothing online - so far he has secured a number of well known brands (the mountain bike fans among us will know the name Santa Cruz very well, I know I do) and I know that he is actively seeking to expand his range. He hasn't been up and running terribly long, but its nice to see a local lad making an effort such as this, and I am fortunate enough to be able to provide him with a little support and publicity and exposure thanks to the position Geo has granted me here on UKSC.

If all you do is click the link to check out the feel of his site, then I can ask for no more, and I thank you greatly for even taking the time to read this and for clicking the link.

I also figured that it may be of some genuine interest to a number of you who have a taste for extreme sports and clothing in general, there's some items on there I'm likin the look of myself.



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Cheers everyone,

First post on the forum, nice to have the support. You guys have a nice wee community going one here. Had a great conversation with Phil on saturday about the joys of NZ roads...

Been good to hear that feedback, pretty lucky to have a good web designer and a few friends in the right places (ahem....)

Anyone ever come across a GTZ Levin? Love that charger..

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Matt, u even signed up to UKSC!! nice one dude!

I didnt spot a Starlet in his driveway Joel, but i did see some two wheeled fun, which i know u will appreciate, and i had a good lenghty chat with Matt about cars in general! the dude knows his motors!

welcome aboard Matt, and all the best with your venture! If there's anything more we can do here on UKSC just drop me a PM or get my number off dave or andy.


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not trying to be rude but if he did more hats id definitely have a few lmao, ive got a few fox racing and santa cruz hats and am in need of some more lmao flat peak caps tho, i only saw the 1 on there

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thats a good site, i like it, might have to have some globe trainers and santa cruz tee's. when ure all up and running well, whats the chance of a uksc discount code mr epic? :)

Cheers bud. might be keen to offer a wee discount if a 'suggest to friends' was used on facebook? Only a thought...

Will have a whole lotta etnies & c1rca arriving end of july, some Volcom a bit later on, so apologies of stock seems low at the moment, its a temporary thing.

and apologies for my lack of starletness, but to be fair I could never afford them when I was 18... Maybe that put me off. Im into cheap wagons these days, but given the chance would go for a hilux doublecab or a 2003-2005 sub legacy gt-b. Or an autech stagea. mmm.

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no explanation of no-starlet required Matt, there's plenty of members on here who dont own an EP, we welcome folks of all tastes onto UKSC, thats what makes us UKSC, and we welcome any genuine folks working hard at their own thing.

I will continue to try to spread the word for u where i can dude, and we can bump this thread as and when your stock changes.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Alrite Starlet lovers. Now have a better range of Sutsu threads!

Also just added a range of famous stars and straps gear yesterday. Hope that should keep you interested until our big delivery comes in next month.

If you are a little bored, check out the video of phil's mate andy turbocharging a bbq here and dont forget to become a fb friend of epic while you're at it.



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