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Guest ep82_girl

lmao you go dan!!!

but i must say just cause you have a turbo car dont mean you have to drive everywhere like a d**k!!!

i have a turbo and i dont rag it at all and never have any intention of doing so and before anyone says why did i buy it- its cause i like these cars and i enjoy driving it and that does not count as hammering it up and down the motorway all day long.

just because people have fast cars does not mean they have them to race everywhere!!!

there are reasons why speed cameras are put up in certain areas-maybe due to it being an accident hot spot or schools being local so they are there for safety and not always to annoy people.

if you wanna hammer through cameras in my opinion you deserve to get caught. there is nothing big at hammering it down a road at 100mph+ in my eyes your just a chav for doing it and it aint clever 1 bit!!

sorry if i offend anyone but that how i feel


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Owwww Burnnnn!!! lol

Its a shame you guys havent got your names down for japfest, would have been nice to put some names to faces :lol: x

I'm down, see you there :(

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Look at everyone go! propa ganging up in me lol Face bothered! (there’s the chav in me Rubix) LOL

Not even worth the time or hassle replying to some of these posts! i posted something i had seen on the net thought it was a cool and thought i would share it with you all, if id known everyone was gonna get so touchy about it would have kept it to maself, and like i said its easy to call people names when your at the other end of the country thought a the wire.


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keyboard warrior is the term dude lol

and i haven said anything about you just think the "flip plate" is a pointless idea

and i dont think its worth getting worked up about it because at the end of the day its an idea, every1s allowed there opinions, and if people cant accept what other people think then dont bother posting things in the 1st place

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everyone take a nice deep breath and calm down please lmao

its a flip plate theyve been around for ages its nothing new no need for everyone to get worked up about it. if Ky wants to buy one let him it aint going to affect anyone else. if he gets caught he knows the risks

but meanless digs aint going to help anyone :lol:

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Guest ep82_girl
everyone take a nice deep breath and calm down please lmao

its a flip plate theyve been around for ages its nothing new no need for everyone to get worked up about it. if Ky wants to buy one let him it aint going to affect anyone else. if he gets caught he knows the risks

but meanless digs aint going to help anyone :(

:lol: steve the one person that dont get bothered about nothing has spoken!!! lol

those chill pills must really work :D


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You asked for everyones opinion on it B11KY, i like others have told you what we think.

Im no keyboard gangster and definately havent intended to be.. but ill more than gladly pass you my home details if you have taken offence to what ive said and you can come sort your differences out.

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Guest ep82_girl
You asked for everyones opinion on it B11KY, i like others have told you what we think.

Im no keyboard gangster and definately havent intended to be.. but ill more than gladly pass you my home details if you have taken offence to what ive said and you can come sort your differences out.

whoa whoa whoa!!!!

think that is enough of that kind of talk!!! yes you are free to express your opinions but leave the rest there!

this aint a bitchy forum and its not about to turn into one over i silly little item!!!

as steve has said if BIIG KY buys it then that is up to him and if he gets caught then tough s**t it was his decission.

but there is no need for that kind of talk from anyone!!!

if a new member logged on and saw that what would they think of the members on here???

no one is picking fights with no one on here or at any shows!!!

this is a community and people go to shows to enjoy them selves so come on guys we are all bigger than this


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im not intending to cause an arguement.

B11.. commented we are throwing insults. im not, and if he felt i had merely commented it could be sorted.

if he wants bring KY.. im fine with that im a giving guy...

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Guest ep82_girl
im not intending to cause an arguement.

B11.. commented we are throwing insults. im not, and if he felt i had merely commented it could be sorted.

if he wants bring KY.. im fine with that im a giving guy...

i know but it dont come across nice now does it. even if you have got the coolest clock in the world lol!!!


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:lol: i read that toooo fast & had to re-read that lmao

yes the CLOCK is fancy you know you dig it.

As said at the end of the day its the lads choice he wants to buy one, then cool atleast he's aware of the risk's he'd be taking.

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Guest ep82_girl
:( i read that toooo fast & had to re-read that lmao

yes the CLOCK is fancy you know you dig it.

As said at the end of the day its the lads choice he wants to buy one, then cool atleast he's aware of the risk's he'd be taking.

LMFAO :D onli i could put up a post that gets translated into something else lol :lol:

yeah its up to him and like i said if he does and gets caught then tough s**t lol but im sure he is now more than aware.


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Thank you Steve and Ryan its only an thought aint it!

Looking back through the thread I've been called and told im...

Stupid, been told i give drivers and this site a bad name, Grow up, Dick, Illiterate, Gangster (true)lol, Gezza, BawBag, Chav, Kid, Been told i need to grow up and even been told i need to have a car accident hopefully not fatal one... ect thanks Rubix for that last one by the way.

all because i posted a silly lil link, baring in mind i haven’t gone out of my way like some to directly insulted any member in the forum no justice i guess lol. I log on every day and tell everyone that will listen about this forum, not trying to play hard done buy just think its abit out of order!.

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