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no hostility.

i just think, from what ive seen, and this thread.

she's having problems at home, feel like she needs attention from guys, isnt gettin it from the partner. so then post pics on the net, where people comment, and she feels appreciated.

when it would be much easier for her to just talk to the partner about it. i know this is a forum, and everyone has a laugh and all that, but i dont think a car forum is a place to talk about your relationship, especially since there is a thread with pics of her, and a lot of shit talk, if i wer her boyfriend, and she was doing that, and more or less sayin she was sleeping with some1 else, on whats an open forum, i wouldnt be too happy.

imagine if the bf has seen this, knows "chesireglanza" is coming to collect wheels. i know how that situation would end if it was me, and he wouldnt be going home in his car. oh, and i have no problem with "chesireglanza" just stating what might/could happen.

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im thinking i want to be single again. the other half has been away for 2 weeks and i have loved it and i actually have money in my wallet. dont get me wrong she is great and i dont know how to bring it up or how to go about telling her

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Been in a relationship 6 and a half months now and funnily enough, tonight I just got so fed up.. its boring :/ I just wanna go out there and be my flirty self again to be fair, get on with life and enjoy it.

Yeah the missus is great and I love her to bits, but sometimes I just don't feel like I wanna be tied down :/

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im 21 been with the misses for 3 years and got our own house. love it apart from the fact soon as money comes in it goes straight back out lol.

i agree with Scot-ish though, if i was the BF and i saw the comments/pictures etc, id probably bury you in small pieces around the west midlands.... lol

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I've been with my Fella 5yr and it's got to the stage were I'm only with him cause of the little one,but I've realised I can't stat with him just cause I've a baby to him!

I don't need to post pics of my self cause I've had a row etc to get attention!

I can't even go out clubbing without it being a row before I go out etc,I kinda think I need to be single a while & find someone my own age!

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I've been with my Fella 5yr and it's got to the stage were I'm only with him cause of the little one,but I've realised I can't stat with him just cause I've a baby to him!

I don't need to post pics of my self cause I've had a row etc to get attention!

I can't even go out clubbing without it being a row before I go out etc,I kinda think I need to be single a while & find someone my own age!

im your age :lol:

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I've been with my Fella 5yr and it's got to the stage were I'm only with him cause of the little one,but I've realised I can't stat with him just cause I've a baby to him!

I don't need to post pics of my self cause I've had a row etc to get attention!

I can't even go out clubbing without it being a row before I go out etc,I kinda think I need to be single a while & find someone my own age!

You have to see his side of it, you going out clubbing he's obviously concerned you're going to be with other lads or whatever, once a girls got enough alcohol in them they're anyone's game.

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^ :lol: @ dan evans

i understand and agree with scot-ish to a certain point yes if kara is having issues with her partner then talk to the guy about it :) as if you aint then i think you've made it a bit worse granted some of us have not been great help in fact encouraged you i hold up my hands to that lol, but scot-ish mate in honesty no disrespect its none of your business any of our business and you i have noticed are a bit on the opinionated side so chill my man :p at the end of the day it don't effect you :D

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tbh everyone feels fed up every now and then in any relationship....both parties want there own "me" time and naturally when theres a little one involved it causes arguments etc

best thing is just sit down and have a chat work it out thinking about whats best for the child first and foremost

popped over and saw your pics just now, it can be read both ways....a bit of a laught/banter or genuinley wanting affection/attention i wouldnt be happy for my lady to do such a thing but your fella not knowing isnt a good thing

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^ :lol: @ dan evans

i understand and agree with scot-ish to a certain point yes if kara is having issues with her partner then talk to the guy about it :) as if you aint then i think you've made it a bit worse granted some of us have not been great help in fact encouraged you i hold up my hands to that lol, but scot-ish mate in honesty no disrespect its none of your business any of our business and you i have noticed are a bit on the opinionated side so chill my man :p at the end of the day it don't effect you :D

i think, posting pics of herself, openly sayin she's cheating, and then posting a thread asking for conformation if she should finish with her fella, she has made it everyone's business.


i also think that, youve got yourself a kid now, maybe you shouldnt be going "clubbing" that often, you have to see it from the fella's side, you got ina relationship with a 29 yr old when you wer 18. hes obviously gunna be a bit worried you'll be just gettin off with anyone, your alot younger than him, and obviously quite appealing, and the willingness you show, its no wonder hes paranoid and causes arguments about it.

as said though, if youve had enough then move on, unless ofcourse you and the kid is supported by this fella, then you have to think about your option before you decide to leave him.

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i think, posting pics of herself, openly sayin she's cheating, and then posting a thread asking for conformation if she should finish with her fella, she has made it everyone's business.


i also think that, youve got yourself a kid now, maybe you shouldnt be going "clubbing" that often, you have to see it from the fella's side, you got ina relationship with a 29 yr old when you wer 18. hes obviously gunna be a bit worried you'll be just gettin off with anyone, your alot younger than him, and obviously quite appealing, and the willingness you show, its no wonder hes paranoid and causes arguments about it.

as said though, if youve had enough then move on, unless ofcourse you and the kid is supported by this fella, then you have to think about your option before you decide to leave him.

So cause I've posted pics I've cheated?!

Yeah maybe your right I should stay in & have no life,I'll just go to work,collect my daughter and stay in lmao next joke please

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