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my glanza was stolen last night and recovered, however, its wrecked, rear axel doesnt look good, engine sounds like its blown to bits, ignition barrel is non existent etc,

so i was wondering, whats your experience, anyone ever had their car stolen, im mainly looking for experience with insurance companies, paying out, not paying out etc?


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First question? Was it alarmed? Shame to hear it mate, where abouts in Glasgow are you? My mate had his starlet broken into a few weeks ago, couldnt get it started and couldnt get the stero out lol. He's in Milton :thumbsup:

The alarm was due in it next week! :) Milton, fuck sake, their called the milton car thieves up there, the people who likely stole mine, im in clydebank.

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i had mine completely stolen never seen again like insurance payed out full minus £100 excess needless to say my new glanza has a very expensive alarm system on it :thumbsup:

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i had mine completely stolen never seen again like insurance payed out full minus £100 excess needless to say my new glanza has a very expensive alarm system on it :thumbsup:

When you say paid out in full, how much did they pay? if you dont mind me asking,

oh and in your sig, mines was bought from WRC.

wankers!!!!!!!! wats the story mate how far did they get with it your very lucky to get it back at all

Not very far, they were doing doughnuts around Maryhill, a person phoned the police, they must have slipped a kerb burst a tyre, and dumped it in a field, they have tried to set fire to a seat to destroy the car, via lighting my insurance documents on fire, but failed miserably, SOC (scenes of crime) lifted two different sets of finger prints.

Funny thing is, i had two phones, an ipod and my cd player in it, all still there :S

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could well have been those little pricks from milton, they stole my mates VTi a cpl months back too. and also stole an ek9 from a guy i knew and posted vids of them ragging it about on youtube.

hope they catch the scumbags

You dont drive along london road do you????

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i live near london road if thats what you mean so yeah i drive along it, dont have my glanza anymore tho

Awrite, i pass a boy every day with a glanza identical to that one in the avatar of yours, pass him in Glasgow Green usually too. Positive its the same one.

hope you catch them and give em wat for :thumbsup: phone ya insurance see where you stand they may pay out

If i find out who it was, which i am close to doing, i shall be paying a visit!

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i sold it to a lad from london about 3/4 months ago. where u in your starlet when you seen it as i would have remembered

Its only been the last month or so ive been seeing it, usually see when going home from work, very similar car, with the car harnesses too.

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sorry to hear this buddy, hate hearing stuff like this. My dad had his monza blue mk2 golf gti stolen back in the day, i was about 5 and still remember being stranded that night.. never did see the car again.

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sorry to hear this man, i couldnt even imagine how sick i would feel if this happened to me, on a brighter note i remember having a rusty old red montego stolen from me when i was about 5-6 and the 2 brothers who stole it moved into a house right behind mine, needless to say, my dad and all his biker chums had both their asses up the mountain, chucked petrol on them while they cried and shit themselves and threatened to set them on fire unless they bought a new1 or got the other car back, within 2 days we had a nice rustless montego sat in our carpark :thumbsup:

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That is what needs to be done to theiving scum bag!!! ^^^^^

Not being put in a cell with a bunch of other blokes with a bed etc!

Hope you get it sorted but as said you are lucky to even get it back.

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was it ditched near dobbies on the back road to bearsden by any chance. Couple of my mates saw a silver glanza ditched there early in the week. Not far from me!

Not sure where it was found, but in a field near Balmoral Road, my glanza was white! Possibly mine they seen, just mistaken for silver.

gutted for you mate really am

did they catch the person who wrecked it or did they get away?

Nah, guys are pros are stealing cars, not daft enough to get caught.

gutted, think you should claim the insurance or sell it and buy mine :(

Much is yours going for?

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