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Lest we forget.

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It's that time of year again when we all set some time aside to remember those that have gone before us and give thanks when appropriate.

My thoughts go out to the boys having a 'dusty holiday' and their families left at home, and all those who have fought in the past to give us the freedoms we enjoy today.

2 Minutes Silence at 11:00 please.


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i did a WW1 trip with school many years ago, Menin, Thiepval, Vimy Ridge, the Ulster Tower, and various sites in Belgium and eastern France. Then last year my dad and some friends and I went to Normandy for a trip to follow the paths of the Ulster Rifles on and after D-Day, i've been to most of Normany sites numerous times before on various trips and holidays, but this time we took the war diaries of the Rifles to trace their movements. Was really something.

this trip also covered a large proportion of the War Graves in that part of France, and in particular we were helping a war author friend to compile a phto archive of all the your graves. We found a great many of them, but some of the engravings on some of the headstones were rather moving - such as single headstones to remember an entire tank crew. there are some truly moving sites to be seen even in these old cemeteries.


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