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Why do people get jelous of some way modified motors.

It pisses me off... :p

Called up to my buddie last night who lives in an estate for an hr or so and I come out to find some dick was after kicking off my mirror and wrote Haha on my frosted window...

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Piss taking bastards, theres loads of jealous people around my area who were all my bros mates till he passed his driving test and bought the sexiest car on the block. Just because they drive Ford Focus's at the age of 19 whereas my bro drives a Starlet SR at 17 which races the big boys cars on front of everyone to shame em up!! But thats life isnt it!?

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I'm kinda scared to park my car at the girlfriends new flat :p The last couple of months there's been a spate of car burglaries (smash and grabs) and her brother had his car keyed outside -- and it's a Volvo?!?

Really pisses me off, don't think these junkie/pikey/ned buggers know the cost of a new windscreen! ;)

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No they don't mate. Its a nightmare. I have to park mine In town most days as its where the girlfriends place is and I hate it. Im fearing coming out one morning to see my car gone or sumthin. I suppose Ive been lucky so far with just the mirror...

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subtle sleepers are the was forward ;)

never had any bother really, always make sure people can see there's nuthing in my car, glove box open, visors down, then yellow locks & alarm L.E.D's flashing :p

to be fair if i'd seen a car with a bodykit (not to my taste) i'd of probs written 'haha' on your window too, can assure you thats not out of jelousy :p

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Thats harsh^ If you see a car with a kit and write haha, because YOU dont like it, you wouldnt be sayin haha when the car owner comes and smashes your face. And seeing Martins pic, he looks like the guy would smash somebodys face properly!

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i stay on an island and have never had any trouble,but when i go to the mainland i hate to leave my car in a carpark to long incase somthing happens to it,its not really a sleeper i dont think. it pisses me off to hear about wankers with nothin better to do and damage other ppls property!

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it's all about what they can/can't see when it comes to idiots doing things to cars!

e.g when they look in the window, all they see is locks and emptyness

thats what my old n/a was like. i had it broken into, so i stripped it out and left nothing in it.

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Used to hate parking the skyline anywhere except on my drive,precisely for these reasons! Theres another car in our street that had the same alarm on it and it was always going off! Lost tons of sleep because of it! I've seen the kids round here running up the bonnet and over the roof of parked cars in the middle of the day! Woe betide any of them that touch my car,and they know it!

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Really harsh Mart mate, hope u get the damages sorted. :p

I get the same feeling everytime I park it outside. If I caught the fecker doing my car in, I would be put in a prison cell put it that way...

I've had my windscreen and two front windows done in broad daylight lmfao (on old corolla)...and it wasnt to rob me, a couple was arguing, it was sum fat bitch and her bf pushed the broad thru my windscreen and must have punched the two side windows too. Mofos, hope all their kids are born with no ass ;)

Anyway... besides my collection of weapons that would put the whole cast of TMNT to shame...

Nowhere is safe peeps unless u live out in the country with just the sheep and the cows like me hehe.

Towns, car parks, mini tescos, red light district, outside your gfs flat, who u gonna call... :p


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AAaawwwww Mart mate that makes me feel sick!!! fuckin shitcunts!!!!!!! I fuckin detest that!!! they think they're smart damagin someone else's property, see how fuckin smart they feel if u damage their fuckin lives!

Its about damn time the car community got together and actively did somethin about this, fuck the law they arnt gonna do shit, take the bloody law into your own hands, why the fuck should they be allowed to get away with it! Smash their Goddamn skull and maybe they'll think twice before doin it again! Who the fuck do these asswipes think they are?? an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, u damage my car and I WILL damage your skull, and take it from me i know how that part feels, they're regret it for a while!


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Sorry but when i read that it just pissed the hell outta me, i hate these wee bastards that think they're hard as nails...until u catch them on their own at which point its all "aww mate mate mate, i was only messin mate, it wasnt me mate mate mate" DONT FUCKIN MATE ME U WEE WANKSTAIN! U damage someones property u should EXPECT repercussions, no point bitchin about it if u get a kickin for it!!!!


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