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I've donated my face to charity for the month, by transforming myself into a "paedo" and "pervert" etc (Quoted from women) to raise money for prostate cancer.

Movember is a fundraising event set-up where the participants are required to clean shave on the first day of the month, and clean shave all of their face EXCEPT their moustache for the remainder of the month.

I have kept strictly within the rules, and have been growing the moustache since day one.

If anyone would be kind enough to donate even just a couple of quid for me, it will all go to a great cause.

Please go to the following link (There's a picture of what I have turned myself into) and click 'Donate to Me' it is fully secure and a huge charity now.

Many thanks to anyone who is willing to sponsor me!


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Done, makes life a living hell.....everydays a battle for all who live with the condition

My heart goes out to them and a big pat on the back to you and your team for taking part

Sorry i couldnt give more

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