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The BadgerSport Fight School

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Ok, i doubt any of you are aware of this as I've been mostly offline for 3 weeks due to a hardware malfunction with my PC, but i'm back now and thought I would share a new project with you all.

As some of u may know, Mark currently works for a tropical/exotic fish shop in Belfast. One day we got talkin about why you cant buy off the shelf tanks to keep multiple male Siamese Fighters (as you may know, u can only keep one male in a tank as...well...they fight...duuuhhhh).

So, for Christmas Mark decided "fuck it, i'ma build one for Phil"

So he did. And after some fine tweeking by Mark, painting by his Mrs and shopping by me and Mrs Badger, we have an almost completed set-up.

There are still plants and wood to add, as well as some finishing items, but here are some pics of the set up as of tonight!

First up, the overall effect of the divided tank:


its 36" long, by 8" deep by 11" high, so each cell is 6" wide for each fighter.

ok, this is Leonard, my purple Crown Tail that came from Mark originally and started the whole thing, he was eating mark's shrimp lol!



this is Sheldon, my red Veil Tail that I got at Christmas when Mark announced he was building the tank:


This is Raj, a blue/red/white/orange Veil Tail that Mark reserved for a good few weeks:



this is Howard, a blue/white/red Veil Tail also from Mark's work:


Howard and Sheldon having words:


This is a mostly white Veil Tail with flashes of red and blue, called Jim. in the bowl beside him you can see a blue Crown Tail that I also got on saturday. unfortunately this boy is very ill and isn't doing well at all. he has developed acute fin rot and some form of fungus on his face but we are treating him:


and the Amano shrimp we've put in:


as i said, it aint quite finished as it aint fully stocked as yet. incase you're wondering about the names, the 4 in the tank are named for the cast of The Big Bang Theory. the thought was then to call the remaining two after my fav drink...Jim Beam. So, the white one is Jim, and if the blue CT dont make it i'll reserve the name Beam for another time.

also, while i'm here, update on the rest of the animals.

Frank, now about 19months.


Ted, around 11 months now:


and this is Max, my sister's Shitsu, about 15 weeks old now:



Got eggs?


Benny The Ball (named after Benny the Ball in Top Cat):


Hope it was of some interest to you guys and gals.


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yeah they'd kill each other if they could get at one another.

and i only cope because its only the fish that are mine. its worth noting there are two other fish tanks in the house as well as Mark's girlfriend's frog tank (she keeps topical tree frogs).

@ Sanchez - he's well cool, he was dumped heavily abused on my aunt's land, she's a cat show judge. he was totally bald, and she nursed him back. he's a tonkanese (spelling is out there, a recognised breed of siamese mixed with burmese), and we think he's just over 3. given he was so badly abused, he's very well natured. it was his colour that made me call him Benny The Ball.

Joel - no bother man! next time your up your welcome to meet whoever u like!

cheers for the comments folks! just thought it would be an interesting side project to share with you guys as i know we have some pet lovers on the forum. fish rock, they are so calming to watch...except these guys...who flare at each other constantly lol!

glad you liked!


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Nice collection dude :wub:

Added to our brood, 3 x British short hair girls( Millie,Katie & Iris ), 1 x British short hair boy(George), 1 Rottie (H) and the newest addition a Border Terrier (Poppy) :)

Wouldn't be with out em :)

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