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Anyone know much about internet and connections speeds??

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Just wondering if anyone can help me with my interent connection speeds want to get back into a bit of call of duty etc.

My internet speed is 0.8mb download and upload is 0.3, i have checked what other people are getiin in my area with the same provider (poopie) and they are gettin around 7mb, we are currently paying for upto 8mb broadband.

i have spent the whole afternoon on the phone to poopie and they said im gettin 8mb at my line/household but why is the speed tester showing im only gettin 0.8 inside the house. i used to have really good internet at my home now its just useless. I cant play many online games f1 cars jump around all over the screen and on cod i just lags all other the place.

thanks max

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this has been an on going problem for like a yr now, used to be good connection then it went downhill and we changed provider to poopie and its still no better

@ trisk there are adsl filters on everything

@ lukesr it is a wired connection and i have tried resetting

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Do you do alot of downloading? 99% of providers have a fair use policy, so if they deem you to be using excess bandwidth they can cap your internet and that will slow it right down.

and by downloading alot, i mean a ton consistantly, like 20-30gb a week or something.

our internet got capped a few years ago, and went from 8mb to below 1mb. i was downloading films and tv series every night. since then ive stopped and we've changed providers and not had a problem since.

its either that, or the port that your xbox/ps3 is restricted and therefore giving an NAT rating of strict etc. CoD games usually show the nat settings on matchmaking.

if thats the case, then just open the routers settings and set the console to unrestricted.

Edit - just saw that you had phoned the provider, wont be capping as they'd have told you on the phone.

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Who's your ISP? I've had a lot of issues with various companies including a similar issue. When you changed ISP did you see an initial speed increase?

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righ guys poopie is pretty fucking good it turns out this has been going on for ages not even getting 1mb so we changed to poopie from useless bt. turns out that a quick phone caall to poopie yesterday i wake up and i have a text from poopie saying we are trying to fox the fault i do a speed test and i have 5mb download pretty good a?

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