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looking for seasoned members to create indepth

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Guest Enzo

hi im looking for seasoned ep members to make a few blogs and convert their threds into these blogs for the front page for vieiwing

in the style of mirrcle411's ride and nightspirits blog

are any of you up to it at all???????

i could supply help if needs be, looking for inspirational work from any of use,

off the top of my head i know nangle, joz and idrees your cars would make for good reading but this counts for every member ;)

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Good idea!

Would be handy if the blogs be hosted at ukstarletclub.com (e.g. enzo.ukstarletclub.com or blogs.ukstarletclub.com/enzo). That way if any search engine displays search results from any of the blogs, and the blog is visited, then it will mean a more hits to the ukstarletclub.com site.

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fogdog was round mine last nite for a few beverages and explained the ideaof hostin them along side UKSC, and i think its a very good idea! keep it all together, give the new site some real depth, a forum plus the techy stuff plus blogs etc etc! defo should be done this way imo.


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Guest Enzo

aye problem is though blogspot is a content manigment system,

@ fogy if we had it on uksc space would we not need to design each blog from scratch???

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for each blog that was to be hosted, you would need to install an new instance of the blogging software, e.g. wordpress. This in itself shouldn't be a big task, and there is even a way to automate the process.

Once the software in uploaded to the server a theme could be selected from the large number of pre-made ones.

Once set up, supply the user with their log-in details and let them tear away!


Just found a blog software that would suit perfectly - b2evolution. You install it once, and then you can set it up for as many blogs as you want, each with their own themes, title, users, etc.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Righty ho!

I've has a very dull week! 59 hours sitting in a wholesalers gatehouse doing security. So when I wasn't pressing buttons to make barriers go up and down, I got the laptop out and did a test install of the blogging software I mentioned earlier. (I also started making a new skin for the forum, but it takes ages, and I'm not much of a digital artist, so it's a bit poor at the moment.)

Anyway, the blog was a piece of piss to install. Upload a folder to your webserver, fill in details of your database username and password, and click install.

After that I played about with setting up a couple of blogs and set the access rights for users, so that only a certain user could edit their own blog. Each user also had the ability to set their own skins, categories, etc.

Hmm, I suppose there isn't much point talking about this without giving a demo, so I'll go set it up and get back to y'all on this thread!

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