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weight of just bare shell

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A friend mine had a suzuki swift 1990 and we could lift that between 2 of us, it was heavy n we couldnt have moved it far but with 4-5 or so it would have been fairly easy, but we had to cut it up to get it thru an arch way in the end so we lifted the whole floor pan with no roof or engine bay with only us 2.

Saying that his car was so flimsy if you jacked it up on 1 corner you couldnt shut the doors because the chassis had twisted that much lol

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yea thats an option i supose could whip out the angel grinded if need be i supose. only have to carrie in mabye 8foot out the garage n it can get picked up. tempted to chop the front to try make a bbq but just cant weld myself yet so think it would just sit for ages.

thinking about it i cant see it being that heavy tbh. when i think of all the things ive removed that weighted an tonne when i didnt think they would. must add up to a few hundred kgs.

ahh well think ill just go for it to much bloody snow outside to arse around striping it out there

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