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And balance them with what??

If you are taking a turbo apart mate it needs to be balanced or defeats the purpose.

People will tell you ive changed my seals and never balanced it and its been fine.

Personally do it once and do it right.

Won't be that when the come wheel hits the housing and the whole turbo is history.

On that note its a TD04 is it not cheaper just to buy a replacement turbo?

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thats why im lookin for a company that can balance it for me aswell, thats y im asking any place in ireland that specialise in turbo rebuliding,,

replacment turbo whats that a brand new 1, or second hand as the turbo i bought from scooby.net was second hand an is smokin abit,,

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Yes mate just a 2nd hand working one from someone breaking a scooby or from egay or somthing like that.

TD04's dont command a high price (under £100 usually) and having it rebuilt would cost more than that.

I'll have a scan see if I can help you.

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ya they a lad pm`d me sayin he knew a fella that rebuilds turbos, an i asked him how much it would cost an he said minimum 295, think il just put back on my old turbo tis only smokin a small bit not nice to look at doe,,

thanks for the input studoc 72,

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If its only smoking a little it will be fine to drive untill you get another one delivered from ebay. Aslong as you dont kick its hole in.

£295 is quite steep just to replace seals. So just buy a replacement 2nd hand from ebay some of them only hav 40k miles on them.

Good luck mate and no problem glad I can help.

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