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Started changing my turbo today got manifold and all off but then a bolt sheered and snapped, i stripped all my heat wrap off as it was getting damaged. Looked at the old welds i done as there were slight cracks in the mani and they have opened up slightly again. Im in a predicament what to do ? spend time re welding the mani and getting the stud out and fitting a new one or just get a new manifold ?

Now one thing i will need to know if i decide to keep the manifold and re weld it will be that is there any where i can get the studs what go into the manifold , also whats the best way to get the studs out ?


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Heat the mani not the bolt as your trying to expand the hole to make the bolt loosen thats the theory. Not just wanting to contradict you morgey mate just slightly straightening it out lol.

So heat the flange aroung the bolt and get the biggest set of molies on the broken bit of stud...the biggest set that will grip the stud. Failing tht use a bolt extractor.

You will get a stud from your local hardware shop. They tend to be tucked in industrial estates and are absolute treasure caves to car lovers. Have any bolt you could ever need.

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