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Where do i stand with this ? Legal Issue.

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Once again another thread has appeared heading down the same path with TD !

Thanks god I made the choice of going to Ricky @ racetech

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No, the more you fuck with things that aren't supposed to be, the more chance something is going to go wrong

If you are sending it to a top tuning company who are ment to know their shit then i cant see why anything would have to go wrong. Providing parts are up to scratch etc.

Can see why Chris isnt happy, would you be ?

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Regardless of company used mate in this kind of situation it really is down to a companies disgression as u would have to spend more

Money on a specialist to prove that it was the other companies fault before any liability could be brought upon them when it comes to this kind of situation most companies will do there best to try help u out as when it comes to what we do for our jollies reputation is everything my mate brought an Evo for 14k brand new forged lump folder full of receipts which in turn after 24hrs of owner ship it went bang and the tuning company would take no responsibility for it as they said they cannot be held responsible for the way it has been drivin and that could of caused it to go Bang etc so he then laid another company to strip to find that the receipts for parts were fony as they did not match the actual parts in the engine and even then they only offered replacement parts and not to fix it .

I'm sure all will get sorted in the end mate :) don't lose the love :(

That's a company that should be named and shamed everywhere

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Isn't 280bhp the norm nowadays though? Just check out the power leadboard and check to see how many there are running td04's 250-285bhp.

Yeah but how many are ran daily without niggles?

And I can see why he's unhappy, I just meant everyone as a whole expects to much of the engines

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Yeah but how many are ran daily without niggles?

Loads, its a well suited turbo to these engines hence why lots of people run them. They can be used as a daily quite easily, its not like they are as difficult to drive as a gt35.

The engines are fine providing they are built and tolerenced correctly, I've yet to see a block crack due to the stress of high power...

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Tbh, I think people expect too much of these little engines. Forging isn't a bulletproof guarantee.

No engines are bulletproof but if its under warranty then the customer shouldn't have to pay a penny

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No, the more you fuck with things that aren't supposed to be, the more chance something is going to go wrong

no bein funny but youve no had much luck with engines yourself, forgin might not be bullet proof but for that kinda cash ud expect it to last more than a fortnight

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Ok.... This is getting a bit bandwagon'y now...

TD are offering to sort the issue for there customer...

Bad Press Lingers, Good Press always gets overlooked!

If the problem appears and/if you have some more bad treatment feel free to PM me for reopen.



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