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I thought Civic rads had a different thread to standard ones so I don't think you can use the standard cap?

Manufactuers claim a higher pressure cap makes the system more efficient but tbh I personally think it's tosh and a standard 1.3 bar would do the job just fine :)

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Ah ok no worries. Well in theory, a higher pressure cap means the fluid in the cooling system has a higher boiling point (because the liquid is held under a higher pressure before it is allowed to vent to the overflow bottle).

Supposedly this helps the whole system to just cool more efficiently and prevents 'localised boiling' of the fluid, but like I mentioned IMO it's a bit of waste of time on a regular road car and I don't think you'd really get any measurable benefit. Generally the aftermarket caps just look prettier lol ;)

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That's about all I got tbh ha! I know the principles behind it but I'm not an expert, so I can't really add much more.

As I said, the actual difference between them isn't great so I it's probably 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Hopefully someone else can add something more technical if you want a belt and braces breakdown lol

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If you run a higher pressure rad cap you are going to put higher pressures on a potentially old water system.

Just consider that, these car's aren't as new as they once were. I run a 1.3 bar cap and certainly wouldn't risk going any higher than that.

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