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forum changes over the past weeks and whats to come

Guest Enzo

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to move the forum inline with the site for when it launches and to keep up with other owners clubs the forum has had a makeover and a few updates as you have noticed over the past few wks,

you will have noticed new images and trading forums

there are a few more changes going to take place to the forum headings and the structure of certain sections,

while this tweeking might seam alittle frustrating it will work wanders once people have familiarised themselves with the new layout,

the for sale section is an area in particular,

once clicked

(all the forsale posts are located underneath at the bottom of the page)

and at the top you are presented with subforums relivent to trading once you click on the forsale section

this layout will also be adopted over a streamlined techincal section and general section by the end of the week.

after that the forum will be staying pretty regid as not to overcomplicate things and alianate people

there will also be no more traders at this time as most areas of interest are covered ;)

if you have any feedback coments or sugestions please say in this thred ;)

happy posting

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its all comin togter really well Geo man!

as far as traders go i only have one thing to mention....Jay man, i called into TGTT the other day as Tobs was PMin me, and i was wondering if it would be possible for u to advertise your breakers on here as much as u do on TGTT mate. I know your admin staff on here but for example, u have a cusco rear upper strut sittin for sale that hasnt sold on TGTT yet, if that were advertsied on here too it may have gone already, i myself had to replace mine this month and had i known about urs i'd have had it snapped up!

its just a thought dude, u get some uber parts in as i know because i got my rear disc kit from u, and i just think UKSC could benefit from your business too man and vise versa, your business could benefit from UKSC.


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