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Does anyone write CV's for a Job or work in recruitment?

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Hi guys,

Not usually the place for putting this sort of stuff up, but anyway.

I'm in the process of applying for different jobs and looking for a new career. I have been advised by a recruitment company that my CV is good, but I'd like a second opinion.

I'm just wondering does anyone work in recruitment or are career advisor's?

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im a careers advisor, for people that are on job seekers/sickness for extended periouds of time.

i always find the best advice is 'get off yer arse and get a job you lazy prick'

I'm not on jobseekers or anything mate, I work full time on temporary contracts.

Was made redundant in August from a finance company, but I'm now wanting to work for the likes Citi, HSBC etc.

Edited by chrisgreen1993
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If your going to be applying for different jobs, then adjust your CV/ covering letter accordingly to suit each company, ie what they look for in a person. It shows that you've put the time and effort in into researching them and sells yourself as to what they are looking for. It's a right pain in the ass, been there myself but that's the way I always got taught at uni.

Edited by AdamB
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If your going to be applying for different jobs, then adjust your CV/ covering letter accordingly to suit each company, ie what they look for in a person. It shows that you've put the time and effort in into researching them and sells yourself as to what they are looking for. It's a right pain in the ass, been there myself but that's the way I always got taught at uni.

I always do that anyway. I always adjust my profile for different jobs. I think my main stubling block is my experience is in a neiche market and not many are looking.

So I'm trying to expand into different fields. Another falling point is higher education. I simply don't have any.

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It's a bit of a catch 22 situation to be in, always is when trying to start off in a career. Just a case of finding someone who's willing to give you a try mate.

Have you tried approaching the companies you want to work for and asking them what you need to get in? No point wasting your time doing something that you don't need to get your foot in the door like.

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I haven't called them or anything, I've been keeping an eye out on their websites, recuitment sites & agencys.

I've said to myself, if nothing good comes up between now and April, I'm going to do an access course to Uni and take it from there.

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I'm not on jobseekers or anything mate, I work full time on temporary contracts.

Was made redundant in August from a finance company, but I'm now wanting to work for the likes Citi, HSBC etc.

Come to Guernsey, loads of Finance jobs here.

Especailly if you are ACCA or something like that

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Go In to places and ask dude, that's what I found works (had loads of differnt jobs like 13 in all) and the longest I've been unemployed is like 3 weeks but if you can get a full time job even if its shit then there is nothing saying you can't just up and move so go for all the bad ones too. At the end of the day money is Starlet, food and rent :D

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