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Rory is back after a Hiatus. New Red S

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So about a month ago i scrapped my SR project as i bought a new daily which was a Lexus IS200, i just didnt have the time at weekends to tinker with a non roadworthy SR in need of Clutch and a major service as well as trying to make my new daily a drifter.

Well that all went to shit when my Lexus engine died on Friday. I was stuck in Portsmouth so i left my car on my military base and got the train home.

After a frantic search for a cheap Starlet and after being let down and bullshitted to i finally parted ways with a few hundred quid and ended up with a Starlet S.

It was no looker and its very easily identifiable for those of you that keep on eye on Gumtree and ebay etc. The headlights used to be tinted yellow along with the indicator lenses, the bonnet was wrapped in a really bad carbon and the wind mirrors and fuel flap were sticker bombed about as well as a 5 year old doing paper mache, oh and somebody though painting the bubble lights black was a good idea too. It looked like this...



Not my cup of tea at all, but i looked past all that and thought it would be great as a car to commute in until i can afford a newer car.

The Turborevs backbox is massive and loud as fuck! So that needs to go as soon as possible.

The first thing i did was remove all the wrap, and then i cleaned it so it. The front tyres had no tread on them at all, so a quick call and i managed to borrow a temp set of whels until i get the Rotas a new set of rubber. So it then looked like this...








So a new bonnet is needed or i can just try nd smooth and buff the current one, new petrol flap needed, new tryes for the rotas, steroe needed along with surround, wheel allignment is all over the place so that needs sorting, exhaust needs rid, and a general tighten up of loose stuff and i'll be happy for now.

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Welcome back.

What a difference since you got her. She looks good.

Thanks mate. it was horrendous. found an na breaking near my work so i might be off to salvage what i can from it later. backbox, bootlid, bonnet, steering wheel, boot tray, stereo and surround.

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there is heaps of methods on the net but i think carb cleaner is meant to be the one, it would be good if they can be saved

the thing is the passenger side has the corner broken off so i dont think its worth it. the crack will just bother me too much

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