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Today has had a couple of nasty surprises for me..

My brother took my car key off me earlier to move the car from the garage to use it for something else. When I went out to see how far hes got, he told me he tried to start the car whilst in gear = Broken headlight, bent bonnet and buggered bumper bracket.


I thought oh well accidents happen, I'll just wash the car to get it looking abit better. (had a layer of shit on it from the garage)

Whilst washing it I found that some motherf*cking pikey son of a b*tch has tried to steal my car.


Absolutely gutted. I feel like I just wanna get rid of the car. Too many jealous bast*rds around here I can't imagine what it will be like for me whilst the car is actually on the road :(

This has happened in my garage, its locked most of the time but the side door is left unlocked sometimes as I never thought something like this would happen. Won't ever be left unlocked after this :angry:

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first thing to do is buy an alarm! i baught a cliford g5 with proxy sensors! motion sensors all that crazy stuff, cant even stand next to it without it beepin like mad!! too many chavs out there trying to take whats yours!! protect your self as much as poss!

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I've got a Cobra alarm on it dude, with RCL and stuff. Not sure how sensetive it is though, but I was at work last night and it must have happened then.

yeah i had a cobra on mine, not the best really, my alarm didnt even go off when some one tryed to brake into it lol thats when i relalised its time to up grade lol

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Really sorry to hear about that man. Nothing but praying eyes especially when people work hard on things that turn out to look so good! 'tuka' is right. You've spent so much time and effort, what a couple of hundred pounds spent on an alarm for piece of mind? Be careful bro.

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Oh my god!

I feel for you mate, i honestly do!

Ive had my garage broken into several times, along with my car once.

I have to appear in court next month for hitting some pikey chav fuck over the knees with my jack extension bar! The fucker went along the road and kicked my wing mirror off, unluckily for him, i was standing in my passageway with the house light off watching them..They were all pissed up thinking its big and clever to kick the mirrors off the cars..4 legged it but one of them tripped over so my lump of metal got freindly with his knees.

Then the dopey shits called the "police" decided >>I<< was in the wrong for pursuing them and using a weapon.What am i sposed to do, stand there and say

"Excuse me dear chap, would you rather not damage my car and please, pick my mirror up and repair it" ??

In my eyes, if the little herpes infested,scag head, social benefit theifing pricks damage my car or house, ill use what ever force i need to injure them and teach them a lesson.

Hopefully ill get let off and this guy will be crippled for the rest of his life, stopping him from kicking all the wing mirrors off cars along the road.He smashed 2 windscreens and broke 10 cars mirrors in one night.

Take youre car to an alarm specialist and get the cobra system upgraded with proxy sensors which beep when people walk past it then set a siren off when they stay in the proximity of it for more than 10seconds.

Might annoy the hell outta you keep beeping but at least itll warn you if theres some jelous little pricks about.

Sorry about the essay but i have to let out steam and vent my anger that these lowlifes cause me, and the rest of the people with property or cars/bikes.

Hope ya get it sorted matey!!


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bro thats a shitter and its like why?? why did you deserve that to happen.

its just bad craic and i can totaly relate to one shitness happening after another.

whatever you do dont sell the ep, i dont think you would anyways just use it as an excuse to improve on any parts if you can :angry:

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Regardless of the consequences i would take Ragger's approach. If they have the right to kick wing mirrors off your car then you have the right to get friendly with their knee caps, hands, face and basically any part of them.

I am very happy you did that Ragger. if i was with you no i would shake your hand

I feel sorry for you Idrees. If you ever catch them make sure they get the beating they deserve or they will do it again.


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:angry: Thanks Bourkey!

Im honestly not an aggressive person, but little wasters like that just wind me up truely to the point of cracking.

Its the most gutting thing, when youre pride and joy gets broken into, or just damaged.

Its more than likely like this,

There jobless because they didnt listen in school, more than likely too busy dossing with there waster freinds..

So there on benefits with no prospect in life..

There like that because there parents didnt bring them up right, more than likely because there exactly the same.

In my case, the kids father is a dealer who has been kicked out of pretty much every town around my area.

So basically , im being blunt...They deserve to be strung up by there tiny peckers, teeth being pulled out with pliers then gutting like a fish..

If that was legal id quite happily do it, then parade them around the streets to show the neighbours that ive just mullered another scum.

They just move into the area then bring the whole neighbourhood down, everybody has to keep an eye on there property, worry about if its going to be alright when there asleep whilst the scum are wandering about at 3-4am in the morning 'because they dont need to sleep because they havent done jack shit..

Bah, im just gonna shuttup now because i allways end up ranting like this! Ive had way too many of my cars broken into and damaged.

Government should bring in a law, which means you can control the scum in any way you like.Would certainly help because the police around my area certainly dont stop it or even bother.Too busy eating there cakes instead of being on patrol and just generally cruising around keeping an eye on areas and problem familys.

Rant over..

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Tru say man, buh as it comes down to it in the end, you gotta go court. Hope erything goes well man. Wrse comes to worse, few months down the line, pay a visit to the pricks house with ya mate Mr. Brick. I'm sure ya solicitors told you wa to say anyways, i got away with it a few times.

Best Wishes mate :angry:

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thats bad news fella hope you get it sorted soon. and id probably do the same sept id do it misery style and do in the ankles! :angry:

lolz now thats an idea.

This guy constantly goes along the road smashing car windows and kicking the crap out of them

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fuck sake!!!!!!!!

really sorry to read this idrees man, but please dont let it put u off the car! u have come so far with it, and the reward of bein able to drive her properly is so close now!!!!

i fuckin hate these bastards that just wreck things because they think they can get away with it, and over here u have to be very careful about your revenge, hit someone who's payin they're "membership" fees and your life will be miserable!!!! some wee wankers threw stones at mark's car one night, tho when one of them sobered up he approached me one night i was out and repeatedly apologised for fear i was gonna end him.

unfortunately the world is full of these bastards, leeches on society who are evolving BACKWARDS to a mental state similar to that of feaces, all u can do is take as many preventative steps as possible! as well as an alarm, get urself down to your local lock and key shop and get some VERY VERY VERY thick metal chain, i mean so thick that bolt cutters wont even scratch it! and get some of the plastic sleeving to put over it, then loop it under the seat mounts and through the steering wheel and secure it with a very large padlock, prefereably a BOLT style one rather than the conventional shape padlock as the bolt ones are harder to break. i know its added weight and its not the nicest thing to have lyin uunder your seat but even if they wreck the car they wont be able to steal it as u'd have to unbolt the seat-subframe from the floor pan to get the chain to move freely!! and how many wee wankers carry a socket set with them!!!!! fuck it, even get some locktite in the subframe bolts too so they defo wont budge even with a socket!!!

it might sound like over kill, but if u think about it, its not really!!! if u like, i'll get a pic of how I&#39;ve done it in my car for u!


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sorry to hear this idrees,has happened to me to,jealous wee bastards,i got a clifford alarm fitted after mine was broke into,dont worry but you'll get it sorted look how much trouble you have went to painting it etc,def dont get rid of it.

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dirty pikey chavvy bastards....... you should have broke his legs. i know i would have got it out of the wee prick who his friends were as well and they would have got the same treatment. only way to deal with these scum. if they'd been given a good slap when they were younger they would understand rules and respect other people better.


you know its the only way......... :angry:

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So many valid points in this thread .... as Geo said, look at it as a way to improve the car even more you cannot loose faith after all you been through with the car just because of some filthy low life trying to make some money for their next hit!!!

Totally feel for ya bud

@Ragger you DA man :angry:

I would love to clonk someone pikey round the head with an extension bar for touching my car but I would probably kill them so around the knees must be alot more painful :(

You can see everyone is here for you bud :D

Keep tha faith :(

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shit man, not a good day. your cars just too nice. fukin chavs, if only u cud catch them in the act theyd be fuked then. apoligies for my language, it just winds me up so much!!!

i just dont get that mentality

hope this weeks better for u man


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Thanks for all the heads up guys :angry:

Nothing to improve in my case tbh, already got the Glanza headlights and bonnet. The only thing is a carbon bonnet but I'd never pay the money for one. And I can't really improve my door now can I! :(

I might just hand it over to a bodyshop and get the bumper resprayed too. Can't be arsed painting any big panels myself.

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Good on you Glanza Ragger...

they need a good kicking, broken bones at the least.

Where my mum lives, there's a social club at the back with a flat roof. The old owner used to be a bodybuilder (owned a shady gym) decent guy, wouldn't mess with him though. Some lads decided one night they were going to break in through the (flat) roof and steal the booze. Two things happened, number 1, the roof was shit and one of the shit bags fell through to the floor (not a big drop) ofcourse his mate ran away...but the worse thing for mr pikey shitbag was that the club owner was sleeping in the club while his house was done up...

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the lad was found severely 'broken' next to some train tracks 2 days later, the police apparently said it looked like he'd been thrown around like a doll. He's now in a wheelchair and won't be robbing anything else. I say good, little fucker. So good luck Glanza Ragger, I hope you don't get any grief for protecting your own property.


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