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Everything posted by sjbrowning7

  1. Item For Sale: 2x Uniroyal Rainsport 2 tyres. 195/50/15's. Item Condition & Description: 2 used but brand new tyres. Only used them to go home from the garage and I decided I didn't like the size of tyres on my car and scrubbed over bad bumps so they were immediately removed. Price: £55 Pictures: Payment & Shipping Details: Included
  2. Yeh I am pretty surprised if I'm honest. They could be kept just due to how rare they are and they are TRD.
  3. The chrome really gives it a lot of character. Damn, that front end was hot also.
  4. Found a pic of the marks. That little lady better produce the goods for the lads lol
  5. Well looks like it is the CTS that's causing my stupid idling yet again. The code popped up when I was setting the ignition timing. See on the timing cover is the mark under the 1 in the 10 degree mark? I can't see because of dirtiness but I can see the 10 and 0 anyway.
  6. You have a lot of work ahead of you then jake44. Good luck.
  7. The boy done good. Would be better if there was titties out though haha
  8. Wise decision Jake44 ha this thread is turning out to be a good one now.
  9. What the fuck has just happened here? Ha
  10. Your new starlet in the flesh looked like a sweet ride.
  11. Yeh man, that's exactly it. As long as you're on boost everything seems better.
  12. I dislike most new cars these days, can get a whole lot more car for your money if you buy something slightly "old". Especially Focus RS's.
  13. I badly want an s15 but for now I'm stuck with this wee guy. I may have to change sensors yet again for the idle problem. Every car should be fitted with a turbo except Hondas, they sealed their fate when they started this vtec y0! pish ha
  14. I think the idling problems are the worst for me anyway, they really grind my gears.
  15. Ha to be honest, being shot in the face would be more convenient than having silly wee faults happening all the time.
  16. Always one wee niggly thing to annoy a man ha what's up with your car iamlegend?
  17. Yeh same with me. Just bought those tyres and they are getting taken right off immediately. As soon as I left the garage I knew they were not the right ones and that's also given me a headache.
  18. I always have to have a headache over this car. I hope mine decides to do the same and fix itself lol I hate imperfection.
  19. This arsehole of a starlet does my head in sometimes. Yet again the car decides to idle at 1500rpm instead of 1000rpm. Just sorted this issue out a month ago. Really don't know why it plays mind games with me.
  20. Ha yeh I've seen those arguments. I only need a bung welded so it really shouldn't be that much. The guy was a bit cheeky on the phone the last time I phoned them...
  21. I fully agree, I'll never be going back to 50's ever again. It's made me a very stressed man.
  22. Any of you boys been to stainless creations to get a bung welded in and what was the price? Or any recommendations on where I should go to get this done? Cheers boys.
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