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Everything posted by Darraghmh91

  1. It surely does seperate the men from boys .. Ill try get a pic of mine up later there the business
  2. I have one on way thanks to fremyjay .. There very hard got mate good luck with the find man
  3. haha now thats a beard ha pitty its red
  4. Id never shave this one i have ha growin it since march now and the millys beard oil is great stuff for it man .. Id be lost without it now but just get called bin laden all the time by the old boys ha .. Jelous I've my hair on my face than there whole body haha I do like sein other peoples beards but i cant grow it under my bottom lip its pretty annoying
  5. Welcome along man im toc.irl myself .. Have a mk1 gi and gt here .. Where you from in dublin mate You should get a vanity trey handy enough and i may be able to get you ep82 recaro seats mate
  6. Anyone doin movember on this site .. Im not doin it this year as i already have a beard but if you are doin it post pics up of the beard or moustach
  7. Can i join this cause o love in ireland or is it a uk thing only
  8. Think while he was at it hed go mad with it and get a 3sgte or somethin
  9. Cant beat the glowbadge man i love the rear of my mk1 it always makes ya smile when you see the glowbadge at night time .. Probly the est feature on the mk1 i think
  10. Sweet so black on the bottom and white on the top is it Gonna save up a few grand meself and get a spray done on my gt .. So hard to save up the money for it tho without other nice rare bits comin up for sale that ya just cant say no too ha
  11. What do you guys use to polish/wax your alloy wheels when there off the car or what protection do yous use for stone chips or brake dust etc
  12. When i was only 7 years old my bro bought a mk1 gi and i loved it so much .. It was fully oem not a thing done to it and eanted him to keep it for me and whn he sold it i cried my little heart out After years of searching for my first car to be a genuine gi i finally came across one for 600 and went straight down and found out it was my bros old car from 10 years ago ha now i still have it and he wants it back off e and hes in his 30s and I've a mk1 gt aswell now so yeah there pretty addictive amd not to mention the optional extras aswell ha
  13. car looks well man .. you gonna spray the car black or keep it white with a black kit
  14. You gonna go oem with your car aswell dwayne or just get the extras .. yeah be a good little spin in the 3 cars man hopwfully its not too cold
  15. Yeah theres some rare ones there but still not enough .. mosy costly part of the project by far and most effort nd time Yeah do im sure me and matty will meet up with you and a few pictures
  16. good stuff ill look forward to it jay who use to own this before krissyb always has good cars
  17. ha they come addictive dont they .. I've about 18 now and have 3 super rare extras on routh so il have them in a few weeks when im in the gt we must meet again nd bring your gt
  18. some job on the turbo man looks a super job im the same man I've spent a fortune and nowhere near finished .. ill be keepin my eyes close to this build its always special when its a mk1
  19. nice one man have you a link for it have you a picture of your gi handy .. hope you get too your figure handy without burnin a major hole in your pocket
  20. Same as meself man mk1 gt and gi .. Super rare drive way im love them .. Nice one mate what kinda power you gonna be lookin at with the gt mate and you sure do have a nice start for the project
  21. Lovly another mk1 on the forum .. Whats the plans for this beauty mate
  22. can looks tidy dwayne fair play .. its nice to see a silver gt .. wish you drove the gt up the day i met you whats next on the list for the gt
  23. woops almost forgot another extra .. me and matty swapped clean boxes he had the mk1 clean box and i had the mk3 clean box which is black and the mk1 is a grey colour so im happy with the swap mk1 clean box in my car mk3 clean box in my car
  24. ok so small update on this car firstly a major big thanks to matty byrne on the site for coming up to my gaff and he fitted my super rare optional extra map torch in no time swapped the lights from my gi to gt , fitted my arm rest and stripped out a load of wires that werent needed anymore i really would be screwed without him anyways heres the picture of the map torch fitted my arm rest fitted has this little leaver thing and move the arm rest up and down its dead handy also got a gt brochure thanks to rock kick ass and again off him fo
  25. Man mr2 would leave the starlet .. mr2 is a 2 litre like completely different league of cars .. mr2 is a light car too and the body shape just cuts through the air
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