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Everything posted by Bussey

  1. Got round to doing something that ive wanted to do for a long while now, was just too scared to get the disc cutter out. All done though, so so much better! DIY short shifter Didn't really get any pictures of the interesting stuff Sits like this now though, linkage is barely 1mm off the floor. Oh and a quick wax because I was quite content with finding something else to do,
  2. You know it ! Clio is only on springs and would love it to handle like that ! Failing that I'll just man up though Oh nice ! And cheers man appreciate it Cheers mate, will be in the midday session
  3. I've still got nothing, getting a bit last minute now
  4. Yeah hopefully it survives the whole 20 minutes Sweet mate Yeah I just give up now
  5. Haven't been that low yet mate, seems like it's pretty bang on at the minute though I dare say. And the clios just feel so responsive and forgiving in corners, that's all I want from this. Seems anyone can jump into one and instantly be a quick b road driver. No jokes I've done some testing with some mates with very very poor driving abilities But yeah unfortunately they are two different worlds apart, one a 172bhp open diff piece of French metal that's made for twists. The other a 323bhp LSD tin can that leaves 11's everywhere. I can't see me winning personally, but it's a lot better!
  6. Awesome mate! I'll have to grab your number and cruise up there with you and Ben Cheers will! Yeah I hope so too mate
  7. Hahaha it's cool man, I've has the fronts at 32 and the rears at 28. Setup was rock hard but back still a bit too all over the place. Then tried 24 front, 18 rear, a lot better on the road but only made the back end more out of touch. Now lowered the pre load on the rear, and kept the 24 and put the rear to 20. Has actullaly made a huge diffrence. To be honest I just wanted the car to handle like my clio sport on the lanes getting there but still two diffrent worlds apart.
  8. Nope I don't, wound the springs out slightly And cheers man !
  9. I dare tempt fate by saying this. But everything's sorted and she's running perfect at the minute. No more oil leaks, stepped up the O-ring size on the dizzy and that sorted the oil escaping from there. Changed all 4 injector O rings as 1 decided to make itself into 2 yesterday. Also had a fiddle with my suspension today, I know people say don't touch the preload. But it seemed no matter what I did with the BC's the back would stay bouncy as hell. Lowered the preload slightly on both sides then set them to 20. Already miles better! Back feels a lot more in touch now! Tommorows aim is to b
  10. I have a 3 inch mostly system, with a 2.75 section under the sump, and a 2.5 section over the rear beam. Made 323 with no problems
  11. Buy air freshner. Get haircut, Buy some new socks, Charge phone, Shower at some point
  12. Bussey


    Yeah got all mine, like said above they don't actullaly make counterparts anymore
  13. Check RHD japan I'm pretty sure they sell all that stuff new still
  14. Ohhhh knew that would be someone on here! Car looked sweet man
  15. Or when the guy putting the new one on manages to nip a chunk out
  16. Trust me man I'm happier Yeah cheers man, was afraid I was gonna have to drain the bank account again!
  17. Great news! Cars all sorted, myself and weeman checked the head bolts today, all still fine at 60nm Turns out it was indeed the dizzy O-ring, and I think a tiny bit was contributed by the rocker cover , all sorted out though, so no more oil leaks here Still on for Japfest 2 then! Oh and cheers for mentioning the dizzy jay
  18. 25mm outlets mate, two of them Will do man
  19. No was at a bar all night I'll take you out at 1.6 next time I see you man
  20. Hopefully this is THE problem, it was defiantly A problem either way, big box of spare O rings came in handy All back on, cleaned up and obviusly a new rubber on there.Gonna let that sit for a bit on some sealant them I'll find out.
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